2019/20 Everton Board Thread 2019/20

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It was strongly rumoured Mansour showed interest in us first but was turned away so went away and bought City instead. We could have been where they are now.

Even if it wasnt a serious interest, he and other investors must have looked at Everton in the past, and there must be something wrong with us if we haven't received serious investment till now.

Many smaller clubs have got a new stadium.
Other clubs outside London have had serious investment
Other clubs which are the 2nd or lower ranked club in a city or region have had investment
Leicester, Athletico and Red Bull have also improved in the face of much bigger superpower clubs.
We have to have a better plan than this!
I hate criticising our club, but when it's so clear that the root cause seems to be the board and executive, the club culture and, probably, some of the key staff behind the scenes, I think that we must ask for the owners and board to take responsibility and immediate action. There are a few ideas that back this up:

1) We have historically not made the most of commercial opportunities. I've posted about this before, but in the PL era we had to recognise that it was a commericial game and we had some great 'assets' : our plucky, small club attitude, the unique story and 'authentic' feel of our club - with local players and a 'punching above our weight story' and also most importantly, the great players - Arteta, Cahill, TIm Howard and Pienaar - who could have helped us gain a much bigger global audience. I know Howard is not a 'great' but he was consistently good mostly, and is a US football icon. He was at Everton when he was a star at the World Cup and a celebrity meeting Obama etc. Why did we not take advantage of that popularity then? I know we had to wait for him to retire to make him an ambassador, but were their EFC shirts sold in the US? DId he give Obama an Everton shirt? Same goes for Pienaar and Cahill - very late to take advantage of Australian and African fans. I don't know how we might have capitalised on Arteta, but you get the idea - we need new fans and a bigger international profile. We also needed better shirt sales etc - basically all PL clubs get benefits nowadays, even if you're not in the top 6. I just heard Bournemouth's chairman the other day talking about how great Eddie Howe is for the club because there's name and shirt recognition all over the world now, just because they're still here, in the league!

2) Talksport is a guilty pleasure. Hate Big Sam, Alan Brazil and Jim White in particular but can't stop. Anyway, a really insightful interview with the CEO of Brighton who talked about how they had just signed up Graham Potter until 2025. Why? They had a plan with Chris Hughton, they liked how he contributed and improved the club (he praised him even today - good management to do that) but after seeing Graham Potter and his team work they wanted to reward him and have continuity in the club, while also protecting his contract if a bigger club tries to lure him away. He talked of the club's culture and ambition and that he wanted Potter to fit in to that, and now that they were a great fit for each other, they wanted to work together to grow and improve. It was a clear plan, with a Technical Director overseeing a strategy, and a clear idea about the footballing style, confidence in their staff and an understanding of their position - they want to remain a PL club and try and be regular in the top 10. I wish that we had such a clear communication style from DBB or Marcel Brands. I am worried MB is talented and potentially great for us but not able to work with the board and coaching staff we have. Who is in charge really of this 'footballing culture' and philosophy. By the way, I think we missed out by not getting Graham Potter here.

3) The recent Guardian article is quite insightful. What do we want? What is our plan?

Extract from: https://www.theguardian.com/football/blog/2019/dec/01/leicester-city-everton-premier-league
There is something deeply disconcerting about Everton. They are like some creature of myth, shapeshifting, ethereal, beyond the grasp of mortal perception. Every time you think you have worked them out, every time you think you know what they are and reach out towards them, they slip away. They are a team of the mist, intangible.

In short, it must be true now because since 2013 we haven't been able to grow consistently - apart from the lucky blend of Moyes and Martinez tactics in 2014 - we have to change things from the top:

Footballing philosophy and plan - Marcel Brands in charge
Business operation - DBB but with more ambitious marketing, communications and business leaders with her
Moshiri and Kenwright should only be there as a sounding board and to rubber stamp decisions, and most importanlty, bring in money, contacts and attention to the club - that's how boards are supposed to work, not by taking decisions and influencing football.

We need to better in our public communications, in our company culture, in employing the right people from bottom up, and combine both commercial sense in the new Amazon Prime digital world of the premier league, but still use our authentic, little plucky Everton identity as a selling point. It's not that complicated, it just needs a common strategy.

OK i can concentrate on my day job now. Thanks for reading.
I hate criticising our club, but when it's so clear that the root cause seems to be the board and executive, the club culture and, probably, some of the key staff behind the scenes, I think that we must ask for the owners and board to take responsibility and immediate action. There are a few ideas that back this up:

1) We have historically not made the most of commercial opportunities. I've posted about this before, but in the PL era we had to recognise that it was a commericial game and we had some great 'assets' : our plucky, small club attitude, the unique story and 'authentic' feel of our club - with local players and a 'punching above our weight story' and also most importantly, the great players - Arteta, Cahill, TIm Howard and Pienaar - who could have helped us gain a much bigger global audience. I know Howard is not a 'great' but he was consistently good mostly, and is a US football icon. He was at Everton when he was a star at the World Cup and a celebrity meeting Obama etc. Why did we not take advantage of that popularity then? I know we had to wait for him to retire to make him an ambassador, but were their EFC shirts sold in the US? DId he give Obama an Everton shirt? Same goes for Pienaar and Cahill - very late to take advantage of Australian and African fans. I don't know how we might have capitalised on Arteta, but you get the idea - we need new fans and a bigger international profile. We also needed better shirt sales etc - basically all PL clubs get benefits nowadays, even if you're not in the top 6. I just heard Bournemouth's chairman the other day talking about how great Eddie Howe is for the club because there's name and shirt recognition all over the world now, just because they're still here, in the league!

2) Talksport is a guilty pleasure. Hate Big Sam, Alan Brazil and Jim White in particular but can't stop. Anyway, a really insightful interview with the CEO of Brighton who talked about how they had just signed up Graham Potter until 2025. Why? They had a plan with Chris Hughton, they liked how he contributed and improved the club (he praised him even today - good management to do that) but after seeing Graham Potter and his team work they wanted to reward him and have continuity in the club, while also protecting his contract if a bigger club tries to lure him away. He talked of the club's culture and ambition and that he wanted Potter to fit in to that, and now that they were a great fit for each other, they wanted to work together to grow and improve. It was a clear plan, with a Technical Director overseeing a strategy, and a clear idea about the footballing style, confidence in their staff and an understanding of their position - they want to remain a PL club and try and be regular in the top 10. I wish that we had such a clear communication style from DBB or Marcel Brands. I am worried MB is talented and potentially great for us but not able to work with the board and coaching staff we have. Who is in charge really of this 'footballing culture' and philosophy. By the way, I think we missed out by not getting Graham Potter here.

3) The recent Guardian article is quite insightful. What do we want? What is our plan?

Extract from: https://www.theguardian.com/football/blog/2019/dec/01/leicester-city-everton-premier-league
There is something deeply disconcerting about Everton. They are like some creature of myth, shapeshifting, ethereal, beyond the grasp of mortal perception. Every time you think you have worked them out, every time you think you know what they are and reach out towards them, they slip away. They are a team of the mist, intangible.

In short, it must be true now because since 2013 we haven't been able to grow consistently - apart from the lucky blend of Moyes and Martinez tactics in 2014 - we have to change things from the top:

Footballing philosophy and plan - Marcel Brands in charge
Business operation - DBB but with more ambitious marketing, communications and business leaders with her
Moshiri and Kenwright should only be there as a sounding board and to rubber stamp decisions, and most importanlty, bring in money, contacts and attention to the club - that's how boards are supposed to work, not by taking decisions and influencing football.

We need to better in our public communications, in our company culture, in employing the right people from bottom up, and combine both commercial sense in the new Amazon Prime digital world of the premier league, but still use our authentic, little plucky Everton identity as a selling point. It's not that complicated, it just needs a common strategy.

OK i can concentrate on my day job now. Thanks for reading.
Using the example of a club giving a manager a new 5 year contract after 15 games - of which they've lost more than they've won - as evidence of a club having a clear plan, is probably stretching it I think.

Using the example of a club giving a manager a new 5 year contract after 15 games - of which they've lost more than they've won - as evidence of a club having a clear plan, is probably stretching it I think.

yeah true, i see what you mean.
I think i liked more the fact that someone came out and talked about the plan and strategy and confidence in the manager properly
Tick tock tick tock tick tock. Everyone will be turning on you, you gang of utter bellends if you don't make the decision now and start getting people in who are actually befitting of Everton football club.

Spot on.

We need to get fans together to form a protest movement if this carries on.

Everyone should have already turned on these imbeciles already. Tonight should have shown the rest just how pathetically inept our caretakers are at running a pasty shop much less a football club.
No mate. We don't need to do protests at all. The fella will be getting binned and if he doesn't the board will be told in no uncertain terms inside the ground by the fans that it simply is unacceptable.

Aye but im just as worried about who comes in.

Could be kin Moyes or Howe for all we know.
Nice 1 bill. The old geezer will still be sat there smiling after we get beaten by the Russians as he can bring back his love child Davie he got red hair Moyes

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