2019/20 Everton Board Thread 2019/20

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Need major changes. They can all go as far as I'm concerned. No faith in them delivering the stadium either.

I think they've taken their eye off the ball big time. It's no coincidence we've been regressing at a rate of noughts since the stadium became top priority. The exact same happened with Arsenal.

When what happens on the pitch is not your number 1 priority, then you are bound to fail. We are a shambles and cant complain at the mess we find ourselves. It's almost entirely of our own making.

The problem is Brands has already come out on Friday and it pretty much sounded to me like they are backing Silva. So it sounded to me like he's made the call to back Silva.

How much longer for is anyone's guess and the longer we stick with Silva the more damage it will do to Brands because its looking like he can't be ruthless when he needs to be.

I've backed Blue Bill on here quite a few times but I think it's time he went.
The whole club needs refreshing.

If he loved us as much as I thought I think he should do the honourable thing and throw his hand in.
The current mess all started once the fans took the side of Kenwrong over the Blue Union.

The board know that they can take the mick with no comeback as their is no fan group set up to put pressure/organise boycotts/sit ins/protests etc.

Now we are paying for it.

The problem is Brands has already come out on Friday and it pretty much sounded to me like they are backing Silva. So it sounded to me like he's made the call to back Silva.

How much longer for is anyone's guess and the longer we stick with Silva the more damage it will do to Brands because its looking like he can't be ruthless when he needs to be.

I appreciate that's how it may look, but there could be good reasons for not moving now. Maybe a target is not yet available, maybe they don't want to leave a new manager to take on the next few fixtures etc.

Maybe the board are actually showing some strength at the moment by not throwing Silvas head to the crowd?
Goodison on Saturday is going be one moody toxic environment and it's all through their incompetence. I really hope, if they bother to actually sack him after Wednesday, the Goodison crowd turn their anger on these useless cowards. They are the main problem the club have.
He’ll be sacked on Thursday morning. Press release thanking Marco for his efforts. Therefore no toxic atmosphere on sat
I've backed Blue Bill on here quite a few times but I think it's time he went.
The whole club needs refreshing.

If he loved us as much as I thought I think he should do the honourable thing and throw his hand in.

Well conversely, I've criticised him plenty in the past. But how is anyone saying that what is happening now is his fault?
Well conversely, I've criticised him plenty in the past. But how is anyone saying that what is happening now is his fault?
I didn't. I said the whole club needs refreshing.
But in hindsight it may have been better if he left when Moshiri took over

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