Administration looming ...quicker than we realised ?

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Posted on another forum i use,cannot substantiate this though.
"Not to alram anyone
But Bill Kenwright just walked in to my work....

....I work in an insolvency company. "
Posted on another forum i use,cannot substantiate this though.
"Not to alram anyone
But Bill Kenwright just walked in to my work....

....I work in an insolvency company. "
Hahahahah! Insolvency? Even I don't believe that.

It'd be his lawyers anyway.

The players and staff jaunt to Tenerife was cancelled last minute apparantly. The excuse given was the plane was broke!

More like its Everton FC that are broke lol.
Can someone who knows much more than me tell me this is rubbish.

I've had two texts from friends telling me this is happening.

Its bollocks about administration mate. Things are tight but they always are ! They would just force us into selling players mate rather than administration mate. People just need to realise that this is Bill Kenwright's Everton ! This is how it is so don't be surprised by anything ! Give me a Sheik ANY DAY of the week !!
Its bollocks about administration mate. Things are tight but they always are ! They would just force us into selling players mate rather than administration mate. People just need to realise that this is Bill Kenwright's Everton ! This is how it is so don't be surprised by anything ! Give me a Sheik ANY DAY of the week !!

Thanks matey. I can probably sleep now!!

I think, and I've thought about this lots pros and cons, and I too would love a sheikh!! Even if it's just for a bit!
Its bollocks about administration mate. Things are tight but they always are ! They would just force us into selling players mate rather than administration mate. People just need to realise that this is Bill Kenwright's Everton ! This is how it is so don't be surprised by anything ! Give me a Sheik ANY DAY of the week !!

If you knew the Sheik's I do you really really really wouldn't be saying that. Prosecuting or suing someone in the Middle East isn't as easy as it looks.

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