At present Mike it is taking me all my time to keep going. The hosp has brought her op forward a week but my daughter has arranged to go on holiday thinking she'd be at home when the op takes place. On top of that do you remember the avatar I used to have of a dog, our Polly, she is slowly dying of cancer, she's had chemo for the last 12 months and suddenly she come out of remission, the wife like me worship the little bitch........................she is likely to die when the wife is in hosp. WHile all that is going on I've got to arrange my cardiac rehab......................basically I'm ****ed mate. I'm going to disapppear again in a weeks time as I doubt if I'll have a moment to myself....................relatives and friends will be on the phone all the time wanting to know how Joyce is, quite honestly I'm close to telling them all to [Poor language removed] and give me some breathing space. hospital visits and all...I have never know a worse time in my life ever but I try and keep smiling