Who has done more damage to Everton FC?


  • Moshiri

  • Kenwright

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Moshiri's managerial choices prove your point. And as for Kenwright you seem to be ITK on his life's entertainment choices. Unless a forum member happens to be one of his childhood friends we'll have to take your word.
davids can you read, I’m not saying Billy hasn’t been an Everton fan all his life, I doubt it very much, I’m asking can any of his supporters on here confirm it.
davids can you read, I’m not saying Billy hasn’t been an Everton fan all his life, I doubt it very much, I’m asking can any of his supporters on here confirm it.

Why on earth would you blag supporting us? Its grim enough supporting us for real.

I also think you are confusing level headedness with support. A lot of people assume I support Kenwright for example. I don't have strong feelings either way, I am just a realist who thinks that things could have been a hell of a lot worse and some of the shouts from people are pure fantasy nonsense.
Why on earth would you blag supporting us? Its grim enough supporting us for real.

I also think you are confusing level headedness with support. A lot of people assume I support Kenwright for example. I don't have strong feelings either way, I am just a realist who thinks that things could have been a hell of a lot worse and some of the shouts from people are pure fantasy nonsense.
Papa could you explain your opening line, I honestly don’t understand it.

Hand the baton to who???

I find this line of thinking mad. (not you specifically of course) Nobody ever seems to come up with an option other than some vague reference to the blokes at Manchester City.

Someone turned up and the baton was then handed over.

I find this line of thinking mad too, and not you specifically either. Surely there are better candidates for The Chairmanship (and indeed CEO) at Everton that what we have had and are used to? We don't need blues in either or both roles, we need better than what we have. Better would be a good start, rather than those who have presided over a generation of stagnation and the slow creep to our irrelevance.

I'm specifically talking about the corporate leadership at the club here, not hoping for Usmanov or some Sheikh to take an interest. It seems clear that Kenwright only agreed to the sale of his interest on condition that he retained membership and influence at board level, so it was a compromised takeover from the outset. That means two competing parties from the off. We do not have the calibre of individuals at board level that we should have, and Kenwright leads that group.

It doesn't guarantee success of course, but it would at least increase of chances of being more competitive, on and off the pitch.
Long term damage- Bill Kenwright. No question. He established this losing culture and plucky little Everton mentality that we still struggle to break free from to this day. While Moshiri has been just as bad if not worse, he has tried to push us on.

It’s very difficult to break away from a multiple decade era of absolute crap. Long story short, Billy K is probably the bigger of the two evils. Hard to blame Moshiri when he hasn’t been here that long.
I do hate to go on about it and there are other factors, but for me Hysel was the single most important factor for the mess we find ourselves in. We would have been successful for seasons. We were mismanaged when HK left and Man Utd became the dominant force. Currently it's a morale victory to play well against any of the top sides and lose.

davids can you read, I’m not saying Billy hasn’t been an Everton fan all his life, I doubt it very much, I’m asking can any of his supporters on here confirm it.
Do you really expect a forum member to turn out to be his mate he went to the match with back in the 60s. And if they claimed to be, somehow doubt that you'd believe them anyway.
You are basically questioning that Kenwright was an Evertonian growing up. I am saying why would he pretend to be one? What does he gain from this?
Ah, understand your first line, of previous post, now, well Papa itbwouldn’t have been hard to blag being an Evertonian in the eighties, when I first noticed Billy’s interest in Everton. As for why he would claim this I don’t know, why do people claim anything they haven’t done, why tell lies over anything. Again I’m not saying he hasn’t always followed Everton, I’d like to know anyone who ever witnessed him going, I’ll bet every Bluenose on here can state the first game they ever went to, all Billy says was he went in in the boy’s Pen, I can’t dispute that. What I find funny is that Billy said he used to go on the Kop when he watched Liverpool and get passed UP the Kop by the fans to his uncle Cyril, now I’ve been on the Kop dozens of times and seen kids getting passed DOWN the kop, when it got crowded, but never ever seen them get passed UP the Kop. Understand what I’m saying Papa.
Ah, understand your first line, of previous post, now, well Papa itbwouldn’t have been hard to blag being an Evertonian in the eighties, when I first noticed Billy’s interest in Everton. As for why he would claim this I don’t know, why do people claim anything they haven’t done, why tell lies over anything. Again I’m not saying he hasn’t always followed Everton, I’d like to know anyone who ever witnessed him going, I’ll bet every Bluenose on here can state the first game they ever went to, all Billy says was he went in in the boy’s Pen, I can’t dispute that. What I find funny is that Billy said he used to go on the Kop when he watched Liverpool and get passed UP the Kop by the fans to his uncle Cyril, now I’ve been on the Kop dozens of times and seen kids getting passed DOWN the kop, when it got crowded, but never ever seen them get passed UP the Kop. Understand what I’m saying Papa.

Oh I totally understand, I just think it's a really weird thing to question! It's proper conspiracy theory stuff this!
Walsh and Koeman were a disaster, overpaid for bang average players, bought 5 No10's, crap manager who when it got a little tough folded like a pancake.

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