Holgate Racially Abused By Firmino - The Guardian

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Not really sweetheart, just find it comical that an anti fascist movement acts so fascist. Agree with what they are meant to stand for just not how they behave (they contradict themselves) The comparison was more to do with the, we are offended by something if you aren’t we will attack you in numbers :coffee:
It is not a matter of it being offended when groups that are threatening freedom of the people are trying to get their hatespeech out there . Freedom of speech does not apply to those who oppose freedom. That would a paradox even in their books. And yes it is quite obvious,that you are biased about antifa groups !

Anyway, that is not the point of this thread. And things would be a lot more clear if Kenny didn't happen to get in front of the cam at the crucial moment ! That for sure is just unlucky . But the ref surely heard what was spoken , let us see how this will unfold. And of course once more they are trying to back their own player regardless of the situation. It certainly reminds us of the Suarez incident .

I am pretty positive that there is something in the report that would prove the kopites otherwise and then we will see how grim their faces will get . Our solidarity should be with Holgate. The lad will not be the victim of this , we must support him because a violent tackle/contact does not justify racial abuse.
Have to agree with this, Dave.

EFC has been like a rabbit hypnotised by the stoat's gaze since Friday night.

(probably too busy rehearsing last night's comedy show)

The club should have been more pro-active and now we find some brain dead cultist sitting in his ma's basement has set in motion a counter attack which Everton seem unable, or unwilling, to repel.

This club is rotten to the core and as weak as water.
It's not exactlyrotten to the core mate, but it does need a good sort out I'll grant you that.

Weak as water I'd agree with 100%.

Really feeling for Mason at the moment. Hope behind the scenes somebody at the club is saying the right things to him as the world can be a lonely place at times.
Unfortunately there is already a precedent and the Times are stating that he would have undergone diversity training etc whilst a 15 yr old at Barnsley. Times saying he is looking at 4 game ban.

Social media eh?
That's interesting. Well, he's only got himsrlf to blame, ultimately. I don't like the idea that this has been dug up to deflect from Firmino, but there's no room for partisanship when it comes to racism or homophobia. Defending the indefensible is Kopite behaviour. Blue shirt, or not, he has to be made accountable
That's interesting. Well, he's only got himsrlf to blame, ultimately. I don't like the idea that this has been dug up to deflect from Firmino, but there's no room for partisanship when it comes to racism or homophobia. Defending the indefensible is Kopite behaviour. Blue shirt, or not, he has to be made accountable

Behave. He wasn’t a pro player, he was a kid, and the context of the ‘homophobia’ was a bit of banter with his mates. To give him the same ban as Gray would be utterly absurd.
It is not a matter of it being offended when groups that are threatening freedom of the people are trying to get their hatespeech out there . Freedom of speech does not apply to those who oppose freedom. That would a paradox even in their books. And yes it is quite obvious,that you are biased about antifa groups !

Anyway, that is not the point of this thread. And things would be a lot more clear if Kenny didn't happen to get in front of the cam at the crucial moment ! That for sure is just unlucky . But the ref surely heard what was spoken , let us see how this will unfold. And of course once more they are trying to back their own player regardless of the situation. It certainly reminds us of the Suarez incident .

I am pretty positive that there is something in the report that would prove the kopites otherwise and then we will see how grim their faces will get . Our solidarity should be with Holgate. The lad will not be the victim of this , we must support him because a violent tackle/contact does not justify racial abuse.
Oh yeah, I am very against antifa, they put the rest of us in a bad light! Sorry if this offended you but people are allowed to have opposing views without having their character attacked. If you don’t believe antifa are a paradox of themselves you can find many articles or even YouTube vids that can clear that up for you :coffee: they constantly attack people who they deem to be spreading hate speech, to protect the rest of us fragile creatures who can’t handle it!! Whether I agree with the people who they attack or not (usually not) I don’t think they have the right to police mine or anyone else’s ability to think for ourselves, that’s fascism ;) I agree with what you said about the Holgate incident tho :cheers:

That's interesting. Well, he's only got himsrlf to blame, ultimately. I don't like the idea that this has been dug up to deflect from Firmino, but there's no room for partisanship when it comes to racism or homophobia. Defending the indefensible is Kopite behaviour. Blue shirt, or not, he has to be made accountable

Unless you yourself never did one thing wrong in your early teens, then this is hypocritical nonsense, no offence.
SJWs everywhere nowadays an it’s only going to get worse! Unfortunately Liverpool fans seem a level above.....they’re the ANTIFA of football :coffee:
More like the KKK. They even have a player whose name sounds like Klavern.

This isn't about social justice, this is them getting revenge on Holgate.

Behave. He wasn’t a pro player, he was a kid, and the context of the ‘homophobia’ was a bit of banter with his mates. To give him the same ban as Gray would be utterly absurd.
I think it is a lesser crime than Gray's, agreed, but a 15 year old should still have known better. We'll have to agree to disagree on what constitutes "banter".
You know how this is going to pan out. The FA will have a quiet off the record word with Mason.

"Drop the racist claim. Say you misheard or misunderstood the Portuguese, issue a public apology and shake hands with the player"

"Do this or we'll hit you with two charges. One for violent conduct and one for homophobia" "Oh, and you can forget playing for England too"
Unless you yourself never did one thing wrong in your early teens, then this is hypocritical nonsense, no offence.
I'm not saying we should bury the lad for a tweet, but as adults we shouldn't be reinforcing the notion that that sort of nastiness is ever okay.
As for the homophobic stuff, w
That's interesting. Well, he's only got himsrlf to blame, ultimately. I don't like the idea that this has been dug up to deflect from Firmino, but there's no room for partisanship when it comes to racism or homophobia. Defending the indefensible is Kopite behaviour. Blue shirt, or not, he has to be made accountable

Bullshit mate, one was a 14 year olds kid, using the 'homophobic' language against his mate on twitter, the same way you would see 14 year old lads doing with their mates the world over, make it right - no, make it a banning offence 6/7 years later, don't make me laugh.

The other was 'potentially' a grown up 26 year old man - saying it not to 'rib' a friend etc but out of anger and in front of tv cameras and watching millions.

HUGE difference between the two

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