Holgate Racially Abused By Firmino - The Guardian

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This fat hoofball merchant of a manager best go to town on this in his pre match conference.

I expect nothing more than to see him use this has a springboard to ensure that this has now been turned into a witch hunt against Holgate.

At every opportunity he should be putting this right back on track and putting the pressure on the FA.
Would also love to know where this "concrete obstacle" is.
He's pushed towards an advertising hoarding and some humans sat on plastic seats.
Funniest thing is his description of currently banned drink driver Roberto Firmino as "honest, hard working and with good reputation".

Couldn't make it up.

I had forgotten about that.

So this raises another question.

The F.A. will "investigate" a tweet made years ago, by a boy of 15, with a view to punishing him if they see fit.

But a fully mature player who goes out driving whilst under the influence of alcohol and is convicted in court faces no censure.

I am not saying the F.A. should be banging Firmino, or any other player, for that offence.

But nor should they be facilitating this disgusting witch hunt against a young man just starting out on his EPL career.

You literally coukd not make this up.
I daresay whoever unearthed the tweet didn't care before the Firmino incident. I doubt there will be action taken for something he did as a 15 year old, but it works to undermine his credibility, which was never rock solid to begin with.

Unfortunately there is already a precedent and the Times are stating that he would have undergone diversity training etc whilst a 15 yr old at Barnsley. Times saying he is looking at 4 game ban.

Social media eh?

SJWs everywhere nowadays an it’s only going to get worse! Unfortunately Liverpool fans seem a level above.....they’re the ANTIFA of football :coffee:
Well Antifa groups would never support anyone who racially abuses someone , so your point is quite invalid I am afraid.
However you must be a bit predetermined and biased about antifascism to make such a comment. Whatever though !
Funniest thing is his description of currently banned drink driver Roberto Firmino as "honest, hard working and with good reputation".

Couldn't make it up.

Forgot he'd been busted for drink driving - perhaps he was pissed on Friday night? Known for loosening the old tongue is our old friend alcohol. Might also explain why he couldn't control himself flying over the barriers.
Whoever dug up those Holgate tweets as homophobic is sticking a middle finger up to the battle against homophobia over the past decades.

Those saying homophobic things, especially kids of Mason's age back then should be informed about damage some words can cause, not retrospectively castigated for something that was said years back as a kid.

Holgate was clearly having 'banter' with mates. Gray was clearly being pretty incidious with his language and, at 20, has no excuse, and at that point was a paid footballer (even if non league at the time?)

The tool digging this up trivialises the issue and just gives closed-minded people the excuse to say 'Aw we can't say anything these days', 'the gays are always moaning...' The FA should be ashamed of themselves if they take action over it.

Well Antifa groups would never support anyone who racially abuses someone , so your point is quite invalid I am afraid.
However you must be a bit predetermined and biased about antifascism to make such a comment. Whatever though !
Not really sweetheart, just find it comical that an anti fascist movement acts so fascist. Agree with what they are meant to stand for just not how they behave (they contradict themselves) The comparison was more to do with the, we are offended by something if you aren’t we will attack you in numbers :coffee:
the digging through of his old posts to discredit him is disgusting

but honestly ive seen enough on twitter, and honestly on here on occasion, to know that it would be folly to think that this is a specific club fans problem. football twitter in general is full of racist children (often manchildren yes), and downright trolls (usually have a player as their picture and feeds are full of bants)

its a 2 sided problem. on 1 side then there is the tribal aspect which can mean relatively normal people start defending something they would never normally defend because their head is warped by their football allegiance. and then there is that racial insensitivity side which doesnt take racism seriously. not sure theres any clubs with fans that are beyond that

just to make clear im not trying to take anythin off the disgusting response from that lot, but i just think its part of the problem to view that reaction tribally.
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