Anichebe: a decent player

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well im going to hold judgement at the end of the season.

but i think the yak wont be far off/will be are top scorer!!!
Actually for us international folk TVants streamed the whole game. I unfortunately just got to watch the first half because of my Daughter's tennis match.

But Yak seemed very disinterested and overall I felt he wasn't giving 100%. That just ticks off the loyal fan. I think Monty's analogy with pretty boy Alex is hopefully way off base. But he does need to more be responsive and motivated to our cause. Like I touched on before when our midfield is full strength we should be a good for the money. I think then we will see the real Yak in Blue.
Actually for us international folk TVants streamed the whole game. I unfortunately just got to watch the first half because of my Daughter's tennis match.

But Yak seemed very disinterested and overall I felt he wasn't giving 100%. That just ticks off the loyal fan. I think Monty's analogy with pretty boy Alex is hopefully way off base. But he does need to more be responsive and motivated to our cause. Like I touched on before when our midfield is full strength we should be a good for the money. I think then we will see the real Yak in Blue.

Fore warned is fore armed mate, it is a warning of what fans can do, the Yak is not exempt despite the price tag:(
Slightly patronising that TX if you don't mind me saying. Fans base their opinions on what they see on the park, the Yak has displayed a similar attitude to Alex Nyarko, and we all know what happened there. I'll play the old record again but I was one of the few who did not want him in the first place, no being wise after the event here mate. We must give him a chance is obvious but he must also show some endeavour and to date he hasn't done a thing. Incidentally I couldn't give a toss what he has done at other clubs it is what he does here that counts. As for us not playing to his style, his style is to try and score..............I rest my case mate.

Actually I do mind you saying.

I've seen it all now. Yakubu already being compared to Nyarko in terms of attitude? You're kidding right? After 6 matches we've already got another Nyarko on our hands?

Someone needs to tell Yakubu just to run around a lot so that "supporters" like yourself and others will be placated and that he'll have shown enough "endeavor" to keep everyone happy. Forget the two goals he's put in.

...and it's what someone does at other clubs that causes ALL managers to consider purchasing them. You may in fact want to start giving a toss about that cause it's what makes the transfer market go round and round.

F&*k. Some Evertonians just aren't happy unless they're on someone's back.

As Chico likes to say. FACT.


I totally agree. And yes he is sending shivers down my back at the moment. The high price tag has very high responsibilty with it. So far Vic is my choice for starter sunday. But hey what do I know. I'm just living the dream at the moment.;)

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The Yak was obviously terribly poor for most of the game, but I did see a couple of bits of nice footwork and passes before he came off. Was actually surprised he had such quick feet from previous evidence.

Now that's not a hell of a lot to go on, especially for £11m, but am hoping it's just a matter of time with him settling into the side.

Hat-trick against Barcodes???
The Yak was obviously terribly poor for most of the game, but I did see a couple of bits of nice footwork and passes before he came off. Was actually surprised he had such quick feet from previous evidence.

Now that's not a hell of a lot to go on, especially for £11m, but am hoping it's just a matter of time with him settling into the side.

Hat-trick against Barcodes???

Won't be enough.
The Yak was obviously terribly poor for most of the game, but I did see a couple of bits of nice footwork and passes before he came off. Was actually surprised he had such quick feet from previous evidence.

Now that's not a hell of a lot to go on, especially for £11m, but am hoping it's just a matter of time with him settling into the side.

Hat-trick against Barcodes???

I dont care how many he scores at newcastle, ai will start believing in him when he chases teh ball, stays on side, and shows 110% effort.
I dont care how many he scores at newcastle, ai will start believing in him when he chases teh ball, stays on side, and shows 110% effort.

And there we have it.

For some supporters, it just doesn't matter if a player brought in to score goals actually scores goals.

If they don't do it "the right way" or "the Everton way," then it just won't ever be enough, no matter how many they score. I don't get your logic there and I'm not even gonna try.

I'm with Ghost on this one. Take the negative nancy, moaning bullS&%t back to the TW Mailbag where it belongs.

To quote my good friend Monty, I rest my case.
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Actually I do mind you saying.

I've seen it all now. Yakubu already being compared to Nyarko in terms of attitude? You're kidding right? After 6 matches we've already got another Nyarko on our hands?

Someone needs to tell Yakubu just to run around a lot so that "supporters" like yourself and others will be placated and that he'll have shown enough "endeavor" to keep everyone happy. Forget the two goals he's put in.

...and it's what someone does at other clubs that causes ALL managers to consider purchasing them. You may in fact want to start giving a toss about that cause it's what makes the transfer market go round and round.

F&*k. Some Evertonians just aren't happy unless they're on someone's back.

As Chico likes to say. FACT.

Sorry TX the last thing I wanted was upset you but I was warned what this guy was like long before he came here and he hasn't dissappointed. many of you said I didn't know what I was on about, look at his record, go on Moyes buy him, he is threateni9ng to be the biggest waste of finance this club has seen. As for me moaning after 6 games, I'm bloody well entitled to based on the displays I have seen from him, including his last Boro game that was shambolic.. Can you honestly tell me you are in any way happy with what he has done to date because I'm not and many others like me feel the same. IMO, he should be side lined until fit and until he is aware of how we play rather than be a total waste of space on the pitch:angry: now that is FACT
first impression of him? He looks a bit lumbersome (sp), a bit off the pace, probably just a fitness thing.
For Moyes to lay out that much money he must have complete and utter faith that he can deliver.
Sorry TX the last thing I wanted was upset you but I was warned what this guy was like long before he came here and he hasn't dissappointed. many of you said I didn't know what I was on about, look at his record, go on Moyes buy him, he is threateni9ng to be the biggest waste of finance this club has seen. As for me moaning after 6 games, I'm bloody well entitled to based on the displays I have seen from him, including his last Boro game that was shambolic.. Can you honestly tell me you are in any way happy with what he has done to date because I'm not and many others like me feel the same. IMO, he should be side lined until fit and until he is aware of how we play rather than be a total waste of space on the pitch:angry: now that is FACT

Funny as I've never said he's been ace or even marginally good since he's been here. I've been in the camp (which by the way is the majority) that has said he certainly needs some improvement from what we've seen.

Even the most optimistic supporters like myself see he needs to pick it up a notch or two.

I am happy with the two goals he's chipped in with so far and I expect that more will come over time.

If he's unfit, then he shouldn't be playing pure and simple.

I believe that the expectations heaped on him from the get go were unfair. Add to that many of the issues Bruce addressed in his post and I believe it's just a bit too early to be writing him off as some have already done.
Lads we all hold to our opinions. I try not be to negative but I have many reservations. Still the main thing is we came out with a huge win and we can all see there is much improvement to be made to have one of those special seasons. Lets see what Davey does with Yak in the up coming fixtures. He may have to be blended in a bit before he starts to flourish.

My main concern is on AJ and how can he get his game back on. We were saying the same about BT about this time last year.

Against Luton I would love to see young Skywalker to take a bow.
first impression of him? He looks a bit lumbersome (sp), a bit off the pace, probably just a fitness thing.
For Moyes to lay out that much money he must have complete and utter faith that he can deliver.

All together now "I'm a lumberjack and I don't care" Well thats how it seems. Better service equals better production. Think him and Faddy are good mates?

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