everton invite further debt :(

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Do you REALLY think an Everton supporter doesn't want to see Everton do well? This is what saddens me about the ground move and boardroom debates, petty point scoring - the 'better blue' stuff.

Mate, I'll just say that we are in massive debt - a club officialy the fifth best in the Premiership, courtesy of our diligent manager, we can barely function as a football club in the transfer market to help him out in taking us to the next level.

I sincerley hope not mate, i really do, beleive me when i say i wasnt hinting at the better blue stuff its pointless, my point being that it is impossible to make progress on the pitch or as amanger wih an imcompedent board.

There are only reports in papers that we have taken on extra debt, in my opinion the debt is favourable even if moore is piled on to it compared to almost all other Prem clubs, it has improved dramitcly over this clubs tenure in relative terms to inflation. while at the same time performences on the pitch have improved dramitcly. To say the board, hasnt backed the manger at this early stage in the transfer window is premature, why jump to conclusions.

The board have inacted a near perfect transfer strategy in the last few years, and i anticipate this to be no different. Its a well known fact that prices and availability increase as you get closer to end of the window, as such i belive the club is still playing a blinder, and fully anticpate big moves still to be made! This time last year we all thought we didnt have a pot to piss in how wrong we were!
I sincerley hope not mate, i really do, beleive me when i say i wasnt hinting at the better blue stuff its pointless, my point being that it is impossible to make progress on the pitch or as amanger wih an imcompedent board.

There are only reports in papers that we have taken on extra debt, in my opinion the debt is favourable even if moore is piled on to it compared to almost all other Prem clubs, it has improved dramitcly over this clubs tenure in relative terms to inflation. while at the same time performences on the pitch have improved dramitcly. To say the board, hasnt backed the manger at this early stage in the transfer window is premature, why jump to conclusions.

The board have inacted a near perfect transfer strategy in the last few years, and i anticipate this to be no different. Its a well known fact that prices and availability increase as you get closer to end of the window, as such i belive the club is still playing a blinder, and fully anticpate big moves still to be made! This time last year we all thought we didnt have a pot to piss in how wrong we were!

Times have changed, even in 12 months. Everton have been able to secure lines of credit in the past from sources they dont appear to be able to tap into now. Benefactors outside the board with connections to it and powerful financial houses have been able and willing to advance monies. They are now having to move down the food chain going to small scale banks - and they aren't getting from this source the cash they require to function - which is where the sale of Johnson comes into the equation.

I think the club have been tipped that there will be no "Call in" by the govenment.

I think this indicates the ground moves going ahead.

I very much doubt we would have got LOANS from financial institutions in a "Credit Crunch" to finance transfers. This is purely about the new stadium i.e. "bricks and mortar".
Times have changed, even in 12 months. Everton have been able to secure lines of credit in the past from sources they dont appear to be able to tap into now. Benefactors outside the board with connections to it and powerful financial houses have been able and willing to advance monies. They are now having to move down the food chain going to small scale banks - and they aren't getting from this source the cash they require to function - which is where the sale of Johnson comes into the equation.

We just DOUBLED the turnover of the club last season.
I very much doubt the loans are for anything other than "the ground move".
Man Utd and Liverpool have both been bought recently. How much debt are they both in? Ditto Chelsea, how much is the loan from Roman now? Investors are in this for the money. Has anyone thought that Bill hasn't sold yet because he doesn't want to hand over his beloved club to a DIC?

I think the club have been tipped that there will be no "Call in" by the govenment.

I think this indicates the ground moves going ahead.

I very much doubt we would have got LOANS from financial institutions in a "Credit Crunch" to finance transfers. This is purely about the new stadium i.e. "bricks and mortar".

You could be on to something there. Hope your right

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We just DOUBLED the turnover of the club last season.
I very much doubt the loans are for anything other than "the ground move".

Doubled the turnover of the club? Are you sure of that? :lol:

The loans would likely have been secured by borrowing from Earl and Green if there was no chance of Kirkby getting called in. I think the reverse scenario is more liokely. The club is facing an uncertain period when this development will be reviewed by enquiry. No institution is willing to loan, so they are trawling around the finance world hocking everything that isn't tied down (such as the Sandforth Road property) in order to add something - ANYTHING! - to the transfer kitty. The sale of Johnson fits this scenario too.
Times have changed, even in 12 months. Everton have been able to secure lines of credit in the past from sources they dont appear to be able to tap into now. Benefactors outside the board with connections to it and powerful financial houses have been able and willing to advance monies. They are now having to move down the food chain going to small scale banks - and they aren't getting from this source the cash they require to function - which is where the sale of Johnson comes into the equation.

Mate all i have highlighted is pure speculation, if you can give me a relieable source as per fact, we are talking quotation marks here, i will say that what you have written isnt compleate fabrication, you seem content to have a pop at the club or should i say particularly the board every chance you get, but from what i read of your have posts there is very little fact to back up anything you argue.

Its the 10th of July ffs! Im not having a pop, i would be lieing if i said i didnt find your posts pessemistic and as such frustrating as i like to follow the club for the joy of following them and an element of that is optimisim and hope!

Your perfectly entitled to your opinion be it pessimistic or otherwise, but if your going to make a point, back up that opinion with fact not heresay, fabrication or scandel from red tops. Your creating arguments based on Johnson leaving and hes not even gone yet, we are a third of the way through the transfer window and our level of debt (the majority of which was not incurrd by this board) is one of the lowest in the Prem.
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Mate all i have highlighted is pure speculation, if you can give me a relieable source as per fact, we are talking quotation marks here, i will say that what you have written isnt compleate fabrication, you seem content to have a pop at the club or should i say particularly the board every chance you get, but from what i read of your have posts there is very little fact to back up anything you argue.

Your perfectly entitled to your opinion be it pessimistic or otherwise, but if your going to make a point, back up that opinion with fact not heresay, fabrication or scandel from red tops. Your creating arguments based on Johnson leaving and hes not even gone yet, we are a third of the way through the transfer window and our level of debt (the majority of which was not incurrd by this board) is one of the lowest in the Prem.

I dont know what you're driving at here. Whatever I've said on the stadium issue has been backed by sources from either Knowsley or Tesco concerning transportation issues and stadium quality and costs. The Johnson 'sale'? Well I'm just following the leader there. Dominic King - who is closer to this than we are - reckons it's only a matter of AJ indicating he's willing to leave. The loans? Fact - the board are going to a Scottish banking house to secure a loan on the sale of a house worth a couple of hundred grand. Now, whilst I can't provide you with definitive proof that this means we're skint, I think we can all make the reasonable deduction that insiders talking of Johnson's sale and Everton flogging a house on the Bellefiled site because they're not being allowed to sell the whole of the site for the circa £10M the club is looking for it isn't an encouraging sign.
Wrong couldnt disagree with you more, in fact i would feel the same way currently about a takeover as tyou do about kirkby! Honestly how do you feel when the club does well, does it dissapoint you, do you really think our recent progression has been acheived with an incompetent board?

No it has not been achieved with an incompetent Board it has been achieved by roping in anybody, Earl for starters, possibly Green, who will stand as guarantor for yet another loan.

No it has not been achieved with an incompetent Board it has been achieved by roping in anybody, Earl for starters, possibly Green, who will stand as guarantor for yet another loan.
To be honest im still worried as the future existence of the club is more important than anything,I just hope Bill is not taking silly rates for the loan as for the posters saying Bills been tipped off its not getting called in the people lending the money would want more than Bills word on it so I cant see that being the case but I absolutely hate this time of year when I was a kid I loved all the goss but now a days I worry about the finances but maybe Bill has a buyer and they are giving him money for players while it goes through .Don't believe me? nah neither do I:lol:
Mate i never mentioned the K word, i mentioned the fact that youve stated quite strongly that you beleive the club is skint due to the Boards incompetence to manage the club properly. Honestly im not having a pop i just dont see the hard evidance for it. If and its a big if as its only paper [Poor language removed] the club are taking out a loan based or the Bellfield site, its the safest/smartest peice of buissness you can do. Borrowing on equity you already have is better then selling equity outright which was the innitial plan, its a sure fire way of making money and managing money in the long term as long as you have the asset. Put it this way the Everton playing squad is probably worth close to 100 mill plus if the clubs debt is around 50 mill selling five players if they ran into trouble would mean the club would be debt free. Banks dont lend money without the equity being in place to pay in case the loan is defaulted on. Its the same scenario albeit less riskier then the Glazers buying Man U for bascicly nothing.

Its actually a brilliant finacing move, and frankly now i would be dissapointed if they werent doing it.

Secondly Dominic King can do one hes wrong every second week, have a retrospective look over the last few months on some of his articles and count how many have actually come to pass. I am sure his allegiences lie far more with selling issues of the echo, then giving Blues fans a fair and balanced view of whats going on. The day we view a tabloid journalist as the oracle of everything that goes on at the club is the day we have all become brain dead. Even if Johnson leaves, it will be of his own accord, the manger and chairman have come and said they want to keep him (i bring your attention to this being fact due to the use of " marks), if johnson leaves its because he feels he cant get into our team, it says more for the way the club and manager have handled player recruitment then as an indication we are skint, so if we seel for 10 mill and sign someone else for 12mill does that mean we are skint.

To summerise all of the above is proably twaddle as it is all coming from Rumour or red tops which brings me back to my origanal point that there is no evidance to suggest the club is skint, as you confirm in your use of words and phrasis such as "I can't provide you with definitive proof" and "reasonable deduction".

As i say mate im not having a pop, i am just struggleing to find any fact or hard evidance to give cedence to what you say, that would suggest to me that we dont have a pot to piss in or indeed its the boards fault (being that the large proportion of debt was incurred under johnson), i remember similar posts to yours last season, with no foundation at the end of the window.
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Here's something for your conspiracy heads..............

If we we're strapped for cash big time and Moyes knows this having asked to be backed bigtime for this season.........Who thinks he'll be the number 2 and Man Utd?

Moyes has a year left on his contract. Quiroz is going to manager or Portugal. Its probably Fergie's last year...............

He could be managing Manure after this season.
Here's something for your conspiracy heads..............

If we we're strapped for cash big time and Moyes knows this having asked to be backed bigtime for this season.........Who thinks he'll be the number 2 and Man Utd?

Moyes has a year left on his contract. Quiroz is going to manager or Portugal. Its probably Fergie's last year...............

He could be managing Manure after this season.

I reckon they will annonce Moye's contract signing when a decison is made over the new stadium to:

A) Placate the anti-Ks if it goes ahead.

B )Put out a good news story if its called in.
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Here's something for your conspiracy heads..............

If we we're strapped for cash big time and Moyes knows this having asked to be backed bigtime for this season.........Who thinks he'll be the number 2 and Man Utd?

Moyes has a year left on his contract. Quiroz is going to manager or Portugal. Its probably Fergie's last year...............

He could be managing Manure after this season.
Would not blame him they way every season he has to kick up a fuss for cash to spend But doubt very much he will go to united hes not without being funny a big enough name to take over from Fergie so it would only be for a short spell and you tell me of any one who has been a success as a boss taking a assistant job

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