Who's next after Benitez - Poll reset 25th Jan

Who's next from this list ?

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Callum at Wigan - asked about set pieces.

Martinez they did do set pieces but the focus was on possession

Rates Martinez was grey for him but we shouldn’t go back. That chapter is done.

Dunc short term the right plan, get a lift for the place but not the right option till the end of the season. Plan needed. Rooney could be option but may be a little soon.

See! A leopard can change it's spots. There's a chance Martinez will have learnt from past mistakes.
Well clearly they can’t since our most recent manager, with the same players, couldn’t do it. Nice to see you’re still chatting guff even after he’s been fired.

We’ve been round this loop before. I forget which one of your obsessive can kickers it is sometimes.

Bobble - no DOF so no contingency’s in place. Manager will most likely appoint manager first. Club don’t have plans or are proactive in decisions. Number of people pulling in different directions. Things being down backwards.
Time to get on the blower, then!

Oh, right. Sorry I thought you were interested in a debate on a subject you brought up.

Obviously just one of those saddos who goes onto other teams forums looking for attention.

Enjoy relegation and being crippled by ffp in the championship, all that money and you'll be lucky if you can sign players on frees next summer lol

Wonder if our newly elected member to the board of directors Sharpie has had a say. Or like suspected he’s just nodding and taking the wages.
Bobble - no DOF so no contingency’s in place. Manager will most likely appoint manager first. Club don’t have plans or are proactive in decisions. Number of people pulling in different directions. Things being down backwards.

Literally any of us could have told you that.

Blokes a fraud.
I just don’t know what the board are thinking. I know they have no brains but honestly even for them taken Martinez back is unbelievable if it happens. Why do they think he is a good choice.
They probably think he'll give back the millions he got in compensation first time round......
If Martinez gets this job, its sayonara from me.

If you came up with a detailed, long term strategy to be disastrously run, you would have to take your hat off to this board for exceeding all expectations.

This is football´s version of Brewsters Millions.

Bobby is a lovely guy but a disastrous defensive coach and we are exactly in the position where we were when we rightly sacked him many moons ago.

Nothing he has done since remotely convinces me he has learned one jot in the meantime.

If anything, he might be even more arrogant than Benitez.

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