The fans should be sacked?

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Most of our fans seem pretty useless - couldn't kick a ball themselves and sit on the sofa criticising the people who are in there doing it at the first sign of a bad run

Perhaps the most helpful thing Everton fans could do now is to provide solid support to help boost morale and grind though a difficult time?
Mate the ground is full every week, the away coaches full. It's not the fans it's the club. It's a shambles. We demand better!
Things are bad when the sight of the icon rondon charging down at the street end doesnt get us singing and chanting for blood

dixie and bally must be spinning
Mate the ground is full every week, the away coaches full. It's not the fans it's the club. It's a shambles. We demand better!
The club has become very short termist in terms of sacking managers. Koeman wasn't given a chance for example and there were reasons the team started poorly the season he was sacked

The fan reaction is part of the reason for the short termist culture, which I don't think is healthy

Ancelotti is the true culprit here for dropping us in it. I'm not sure hammering the people trying to pick up the pieces helps in any way
The club has become very short termist in terms of sacking managers. Koeman wasn't given a chance for example and there were reasons the team started poorly the season he was sacked

The fan reaction is part of the reason for the short termist culture, which I don't think is healthy

Ancelotti is the true culprit here for dropping us in it. I'm not sure hammering the people trying to pick up the pieces helps in any way
The mess exists regardless of the manager it's far deeper, we would all prefer stability the owner takes a large share of the blame for the bad appointments but while there is no through line from the top to the bottom and no vision or control from the owner/dof we will carry on this cycle. You can't just blame the fans most of us didn't want Benitez to start with and if he can't get results what do you expect?

The mess exists regardless of the manager it's far deeper, we would all prefer stability the owner takes a large share of the blame for the bad appointments but while there is no through line from the top to the bottom and no vision or control from the owner/dof we will carry on this cycle. You can't just blame the fans most of us didn't want Benitez to start with and if he can't get results what do you expect?
Is it not just mainly that Ancelotti left and dropped us in it?

And then rather than supporting the group trying to fire fight the situation, the 'fans' are piling in with negativity

The culture is too short termist. Fan pressure to sack manager after manager does no one any favours and is part of the deep rooted issues you mention
In terms of Ancellotti, he was like a Hollywood signing but he wasn’t what the club needed and granted I didn’t think about this when he was signed because I was to dewy eyed. I would rather take a up and coming manager willing to work with the DOF and get everyone in the club working in the same direction. Remember us signing Josh King. Decent player who has turned us over enough times. I presume Brands got him in as a back up and Ancelloti didn’t even show him any respect or gave him any drive to do well for us when we were short. That type of disconnect between people in big positions in endemic all over the club and that is a big reason for our failures on the pitch.
Do you think the fans contribute positively to the team beyond gate receipts and fair weather support?

Can you detail any fan initiatives to improve fan behaviours and actions targeted at enhancing the team's results?
West ham protests shook the club to its core couple of seasons ago...

Reckon we are pretty close to similar unrest if results are poor into Christmas period, think anyone there Wednesday night will testify how edgy it was.
I don't want to sack the fans, but just make sure you give yourselves a big round of booos at the end of each game for the problems we cause. Shouldn't be difficult to remember to do... :hayee:
The club has become very short termist in terms of sacking managers. Koeman wasn't given a chance for example and there were reasons the team started poorly the season he was sacked

The fan reaction is part of the reason for the short termist culture, which I don't think is healthy

Ancelotti is the true culprit here for dropping us in it. I'm not sure hammering the people trying to pick up the pieces helps in any way
As something of an outsider, this has been my suspicion. Seems to me that the fans are singularly focused on a shortcut return to glory and it's created pressure on a suspect group of decision makers, resulting in some rash decisions on both managers and players.

To me something is fundamentally broken, and it won't be cured by the right manager or the right group of players unless some patience is extended to them. Part of this is cultural - you're asking young players, many who aren't English and weren't alive when Everton were prominent, to go to war for a club that hasn't done much in their adult lives. All the while the fans are ready to move on from them or the manager at the first sign of trouble.

To be clear, I don't blame the supporters entirely for that - they're not getting what they pay for (in time or money or emotional investment). But such is the modern era, you've got to give everyone involved in the club a reason to care about the organization beyond their wages. That can be the history, or the supporters, or the city, or each other, but there has to be something. That connection just isn't coming through right now.

The club has become very short termist in terms of sacking managers. Koeman wasn't given a chance for example and there were reasons the team started poorly the season he was sacked

The fan reaction is part of the reason for the short termist culture, which I don't think is healthy

Ancelotti is the true culprit here for dropping us in it. I'm not sure hammering the people trying to pick up the pieces helps in any way
Koeman was an absolutely deserved sacking.
There just seems to be very little analysis and understanding of what has actually gone on over time and the subsequent effect. The taboo subject of losing Sigurdsson is actually a pretty big thing, as is having next to no money to spend in the summer - these things are surely massive factors out of the manager's control? I don't think he should have sold James. But in a difficult period like this, surely fan support would be massively helpful to the club

I agree, it's a bizarre thing to spend a lot of money and time watching other men kicking an inflated pigs bladder around a field. But if you're going to spend time doing that in support of a team, surely you'd want to ensure your own actions contributed to the team's success as much as possible. There currently seems to be a massive gap in this regard - just a free for all of unthinking fan negativity - I'd like to think we could do better but suspect that will be difficult....
I agree 100% with what you are saying about ensuring my own actions contributed to the teams success as much as possible. But i feel that having done that for four or five seasons with little or no reciprocation, it all turns a little sour in your mouth. The base fact is that my emotional investment is in the club, which is permanent, the team, manager, chairman etc. are all transient, some of whom have reciprocated, 60’s, 80’s, 95, Bobby’s first season, Carlo’s first 7 or 8 games. Even Benitez’ first few reciprocated, in that they at least fought back when going behind. And thee lies the rub, that fighting spirit is the base minimum I need to fuel my support. I absolutely cannot and will not pour my heart out to a team who appears to give not a jot whether I do or I don’t.
There are individuals in the side who are still fighting, but as a unit they have stopped doing it already. In my eyes that blame falls on them all, from the chairman downwards. ’running more than the other team’ simply doesnt cut it. i would do that for the blue shirt and I am a fat 64 year old who hasn’t exercised his whole life. I expect more than that from professional athletes, who are supposedly super competitive human beings. Give us fight alongside the effort and we will show you what support looks like, we are the exemplar of the 12th man when we aren't getting assaulted by the sight of weak minds and faint hearts in our famous blue shirt week after week, season after season.
Most of our fans seem pretty useless - couldn't kick a ball themselves and sit on the sofa criticising the people who are in there doing it at the first sign of a bad run

Perhaps the most helpful thing Everton fans could do now is to provide solid support to help boost morale and grind though a difficult time?
Deary me..
  • Haha
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