The fans should be sacked?

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The only thing that has kept this club going is its support. From Wimbledon and Coventry through Moyes early years and through every false dawn since, it has been the supporters who have dragged this club up by the bootstraps, it's what the world's greatest living evertonian relies on.
I don't think they have it left in them anymore to bail the club out. We've been in an abusive relationship for too long and I think a lot are starting to pack their escape bags.


I’m not 100% clear on the beef here - GIF game could be stronger - but I’m referring to the poor form under this manager. It started well, and has gone badly south since September.

Sure, the root causes are deeper and more long-lasting than that. I won’t argue that the manager ought not to be the primary target of discontent - but his performance has been poor, too.

We beat these at Anfield without Mina and DCL not so long ago, yet he continues to blame injuries. He’s a man of excuses, and there’s no reasonable excuse for last night.
The majority of the crowd really got behind them last night, given next to nothing back though. Some of the racist shouts from a minority at the back of the LG are a disgrace though and there are a few who need a look at themselves in that regard.
How are the fans to blame? We pay fortunes to watch men on millions per year fail to pass a ball twenty yards to a man wearing the same colour shirt as them? We do not demand trophies from them, we dont even expect the, to entertain us for our hard earned ticket price, we simply want them to show a little fight, a little passion. We only ask that they don’t embarrass a club we are all emotionally invested in.i would ask you mate, do you think we get any of that? Because all they had to do was volley a few of them mutants and everyone in that ground would have been on fire screaming their name. They only had to bust a guy trying to win back lost ball and revert back to a simpler safer game and we would have been behind them all the way. Did we get that?

remember phil Neville on Ronaldo, one act turned the game , when was the last time you saw anybody in blue with the will to turn the game?

I’m not 100% clear on the beef here - GIF game could be stronger - but I’m referring to the poor form under this manager. It started well, and has gone badly south since September.

Sure, the root causes are deeper and more long-lasting than that. I won’t argue that the manager ought not to be the primary target of discontent - but his performance has been poor, too.

We beat these at Anfield without Mina and DCL not so long ago, yet he continues to blame injuries. He’s a man of excuses, and there’s no reasonable excuse for last night.

No beef... just my latenight, tired way of saying it's been poor for decades mate; nobody that's been following us for a good amount of time needs an excuse to criticize now. The fact that Benitez is the manager is just coincidence and circumstance, AFAIC. Personally, I think him being manager is entirely due to the fact that we're a yo-yo'ing, upper management shitshow of a club that has, through (what I have to assume is) its own ignorance or naivety, created the situation it finds itself in yet again.

When's the last time you witnessed a genuinely good side, front to back, on the pitch for us... not Europa League or Champions League capable, league-winning capable? You can't sugarcoat it.


Well, I definitively say never in my time. That's failure and, considering how long it's been going on for, that's systemic failure.

EFC, by its very nature as a sporting entity, has a defined goal (or does it?) and has now had decades to implement plans and ways to do and achieve things... regardless of external variables. Who the hell, with professional levels of experience in a field, fails at a known goal with 30+ years to get there?

How often have you felt that, due to what you've seen, there was indeed some sort of plan going on or genuine, sustainable progress being made? Something... anything. The stadium? That's nothing to do with Everton as a football club and it sure didn't come about because of some form of recent successes. So, let's see how many straws I can grasp here... well, football is pretty damned unique in the ways it can move itself forward. For one example, what other sport (hell, business) has a system that enables you to recruit/hire someone damn near out of the womb and spend a large amount of time to enable them to be tailor-made for a position? That's not something insignificant, so... how are we on that? Oh, right.

Nothing about this club is or has been consistently good in what it does or has the chance to do, in the sporting realm. I hate saying [Poor language removed] like this because it just digs up the "why bother" feelings... but it's true.

So, beef, with you. But this Benitez ranting and raving is a waste of time. If it wasn't, this forum wouldn't be a goldmine of decades-old, recycled <insert same complaint with a different name> rants about boards, coaches and players.

Seriously, Everton... you're a unicorn of a club in many ways but every year you cause to me look closer and closer and it's becoming clearer and clearer.


Point deductions might be on the way for this but that's ok, I won't have to open the recycling bin again for a while.
How are the fans to blame? We pay fortunes to watch men on millions per year fail to pass a ball twenty yards to a man wearing the same colour shirt as them? We do not demand trophies from them, we dont even expect the, to entertain us for our hard earned ticket price, we simply want them to show a little fight, a little passion. We only ask that they don’t embarrass a club we are all emotionally invested in.i would ask you mate, do you think we get any of that? Because all they had to do was volley a few of them mutants and everyone in that ground would have been on fire screaming their name. They only had to bust a guy trying to win back lost ball and revert back to a simpler safer game and we would have been behind them all the way. Did we get that?

remember phil Neville on Ronaldo, one act turned the game , when was the last time you saw anybody in blue with the will to turn the game?

The nearest thing since that was Gareth Barry making a tackle on a Chelses player in Bobby’s first sesson…the stadium erupted and never quietened down all afternoon.

But I thought this silly argument had been put to bed last season.

When there were no fans at all and our home form was, I think, the worst in our history.

The paying faithful at Goodison are most deffo not the problem at this wretched club.

As you say…show us sommat to get raucous about and there is no more ferocious bearpit in the Premier League.
I thankfully was at work for the derby. Then I got home and looked at the final score and was all like "well that wasn't as bad as I expected". I deserve to be sacked.

Most of our fans seem pretty useless - couldn't kick a ball themselves and sit on the sofa criticising the people who are in there doing it at the first sign of a bad run

Perhaps the most helpful thing Everton fans could do now is to provide solid support to help boost morale and grind though a difficult time?
Are you having a go at the fans Barry lad? Go back to rawk buddy. They surely must be missing their village idiot over there.
How are the fans to blame? We pay fortunes to watch men on millions per year fail to pass a ball twenty yards to a man wearing the same colour shirt as them? We do not demand trophies from them, we dont even expect the, to entertain us for our hard earned ticket price, we simply want them to show a little fight, a little passion. We only ask that they don’t embarrass a club we are all emotionally invested in.i would ask you mate, do you think we get any of that? Because all they had to do was volley a few of them mutants and everyone in that ground would have been on fire screaming their name. They only had to bust a guy trying to win back lost ball and revert back to a simpler safer game and we would have been behind them all the way. Did we get that?

remember phil Neville on Ronaldo, one act turned the game , when was the last time you saw anybody in blue with the will to turn the game?
There just seems to be very little analysis and understanding of what has actually gone on over time and the subsequent effect. The taboo subject of losing Sigurdsson is actually a pretty big thing, as is having next to no money to spend in the summer - these things are surely massive factors out of the manager's control? I don't think he should have sold James. But in a difficult period like this, surely fan support would be massively helpful to the club

I agree, it's a bizarre thing to spend a lot of money and time watching other men kicking an inflated pigs bladder around a field. But if you're going to spend time doing that in support of a team, surely you'd want to ensure your own actions contributed to the team's success as much as possible. There currently seems to be a massive gap in this regard - just a free for all of unthinking fan negativity - I'd like to think we could do better but suspect that will be difficult....
Are you having a go at the fans Barry lad? Go back to rawk buddy. They surely must be missing their village idiot over there.
Do you think the fans contribute positively to the team beyond gate receipts and fair weather support?

Can you detail any fan initiatives to improve fan behaviours and actions targeted at enhancing the team's results?

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