The fans should be sacked?

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Okay, and that’s a valid point of view as far as I’m concerned.

But the fans are perfectly entitled to criticise what has been served up for months now. Of all the things wrong with Everton FC, the fans are way down the list.



Most of our fans seem pretty useless - couldn't kick a ball themselves and sit on the sofa criticising the people who are in there doing it at the first sign of a bad run

Perhaps the most helpful thing Everton fans could do now is to provide solid support to help boost morale and grind though a difficult time?
Absolute nonsense, fans pay good money, hard earned often so NONE of this is on the fans, not one bit.

I haven't stopped cheering faithfully since we unluckily conceded 5 goals to Watford. Our brave boys are just like a good backmarker in a horse race biding their time till the runs open up. The title charge starts now.

Most of our fans seem pretty useless - couldn't kick a ball themselves and sit on the sofa criticising the people who are in there doing it at the first sign of a bad run

Perhaps the most helpful thing Everton fans could do now is to provide solid support to help boost morale and grind though a difficult time?
Mate, we haven't won a game since 25th September. It's hardly the first sign of a bad run.
Most of our fans seem pretty useless - couldn't kick a ball themselves and sit on the sofa criticising the people who are in there doing it at the first sign of a bad run

Perhaps the most helpful thing Everton fans could do now is to provide solid support to help boost morale and grind though a difficult time?
1 win in 11 matches… totally the fans who sell out home and away
2 goals in 5?

Iwobi won goal off the month for Oct….(he was the only person who scored)
Most of our fans seem pretty useless - couldn't kick a ball themselves and sit on the sofa criticising the people who are in there doing it at the first sign of a bad run

Perhaps the most helpful thing Everton fans could do now is to provide solid support to help boost morale and grind though a difficult time?
What an absolutely pathetic thread you have created, and what are you even on about?

So the paying public have to get behind something they don’t believe in and clap a bunch of overpaid footballers who can’t even be arsed putting the effort in, badly organised by a man completely out of his depth?
According to the media he got the job because he was local . I am not. I deserve the sack because living on Merseyside is the only thing that matters.

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