Should Benitez be sacked if we lose the Derby? POLL

Should the manager be sacked if we lose the Derby on Wednesday

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Thing is we do need stability we’re going through managers at a rate of knots.

Ideally he would get the boot and we have someone lined up but let’s be honest who is available that can sort this squad out ?

We really need stability but Benitez is not the answer.

In short we’re screwed
When he was appointed I didn't care he was a former rs manager. My concerns were he went to China to top up his pension. He is well past his best and we were convenient for him.
Now I'm fairly sure I was correct.
Yeah, I wasn't particularly worked up by his past not. Not ideal, but I wanted to give him a fair crack of the whip. My big concern was spiralling into a bad run of form. If you're already fighting to get a crowd onside it's just another layer of pressure. I'm also convinced this bunch of players will absolutely fail to respond if there's any whiff of rot. They'll hide. It's all on him. As I say, there's less goodwill there than for a lot of other managers. It just feels rotten.
Who replaces him after the Derby or does this guy manage the team until the end of the season?

Short termism is lethal mate. I’m not a gigantic Rafael fan but better the devil you know, than someone who hasn’t managed any real impact since taking on his role at the club. What the hell does Dunc actually do?
Agree on the short termism but what the hell does Rafael do? Improve players? Nope. Instil a tactical plan? Nope. Motivate? Nope. Structure a defence? Nope. Coach effective attacking play? Nope. Take accountability? Nope.

Not bad work for £8m a year if you can get it.
How does this compare to pre away defeat for Silva? I don't think Benitez will be sacked if we lose the derby. I think he may be sacked by the new year if he's still not got us picking up any new points.
Yeah, I wasn't particularly worked up by his past not. Not ideal, but I wanted to give him a fair crack of the whip. My big concern was spiralling into a bad run of form. If you're already fighting to get a crowd onside it's just another layer of pressure. I'm also convinced this bunch of players will absolutely fail to respond if there's any whiff of rot. They'll hide. It's all on him. As I say, there's less goodwill there than for a lot of other managers. It just feels rotten.

To be fair this was the angle a lot of people wrote when RB got the job. Just like night follows day it's exactly what's happening.

Who can we get who would be better than him? How experienced would they be? Would they have anything to spend in January.

For all of the above reasons it would be crazy to sack Benitez. No decent manager would go anywhere near the Everton job. An awful squad with no money to spend in January.

An inexperienced manager would absolutely crumble in the current situation.

I can see us beating Arsenal and getting a few points after that.

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