Should Benitez be sacked if we lose the Derby? POLL

Should the manager be sacked if we lose the Derby on Wednesday

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For those saying sack who would you bring in? We can’t spend money. Can’t see anyone of quality wanting to come. For me the deserves a run with Richi and DCL back together
Wanted to give him a season but I have seen nothing that leads me to believe that things will improve. The toxicity is killing us. This derby could be the worst yet. Honestly can't see how things could be worse.
I don't think so only because I want us to break the cycle and I know it's not going to solve anything or save our season by sacking another manager...But I won't be surprised if he was sacked after derby lost.

I'm one of the more patient fan but I'm getting less so after our performance against Brentford.
it’s silva saga this. after the bumming he will be sacked. everton will wait till we’re embarrassed more, ( board are a joke)

i would sack now and let duncan have the derby, i mean we will still get beat but i bet you the players would put up more of a fight than under this bafoon

I would hate for that to happen. If he pinched a result we would probably give him the job and then we really would be in trouble.

For those saying sack who would you bring in? We can’t spend money. Can’t see anyone of quality wanting to come. For me the deserves a run with Richi and DCL back together
By the time that could happen, 1 if not both will be looking to get out because of how abject Benitez has us playing. I'd be very surprised if richies agent isn't already working on a move for jan.

Benitez needs to find solutions when the 2 of them aren't available, he isn't managing to do so. It's not good enough.
I don't care anymore, I don't think it's a manager issue but a player, scouting and board issue, until they are gone it makes little difference who is the manager
Pretty much this, the club stinks from the top down. Moshiri needs to grow a pair and get rid of all the hangers on (ex players, Baxendale, Brands, Kenwrong etc) and bring in someone who knows how to run a football club, then naff off on his flying carpet and let them get on with the job. I'd still jettison Benitez, it was always going to get toxic, and here we are tearing each other apart.
Someone in power should ask him tonight what he is going to do to change things.

If the answer is "nothing" or is otherwise not sufficient, he should be sacked. The stubbornness he's shown during this run is horrific, and to be honest I don't even think its guaranteed that DCL gets back in to the team at this point because Benitez would have to change play back to how had been at the start of the season (and it would be highlighted how wrong he was).
If we're relying on DCL and Richarlison returning, if that's our only hope, we aren't in the right position. We can't ignore injuries, but we have to be adaptable.

Maybe I'm harping on, but where are the small, marginal gains? I can accept periods of difficulty if in the wider sense we're progressing as a team.

But right now, we're not showing any of those or any other gains.

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