Roberto's positivity

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I think part of the issue is there doesn't seem to be a reaction from the players, so it makes you wonder if he tells them they weren't good enough.

If it was that simple anyone could be a manager

"Hey lad you was crap on Saturday, Make sure you play loads better this week"

Just because the players are going through a tough time regarding performance doesn't mean the manager isn't giving them some home truths
If it was that simple anyone could be a manager

"Hey lad you was crap on Saturday, Make sure you play loads better this week"

Just because the players are going through a tough time regarding performance doesn't mean the manager isn't giving them some home truths

To be fair, I do agree. I think it's just frustrating because last season we had Alan Myers on twitter so there was communication there. It's not like Martinez being constantly positive is a new thing.
Ok, I'll try and explain it better :)

As a club, there are things we can control, and things we can't control. I think the things we can't control have a huge bearing on our results, but I don't see there being any point in Martinez getting the bleach out because of those things.

I don't suppose that the things we can control have changed much between this season and last, so why should Martinez change his style in interviews? If he's preparing the side as well as he can and results aren't going our way for whatever reason, what is it we expect him to say?

For me, positivity is only a problem if Martinez is blind to any faults that exist in how the team is prepared each week. He may well be (and it's common in most of us to be honest), but I'm not sure we can really say that with any certainty. People seem to be getting mad because they're assuming positive interview = ignorance of any faults. I'm not sure we can make that assumption.

Makes sense.

Essentially you're saying it doesn't really matter what he says after the games.

Can't disagree there.
Why do you think him being positive is taking people for fools?

is it that hard for some people to understand the way a positive person works? Why the assumption he is ignoring the problems and just trying to bluff?

it´s not like he didn´t make it very clear how he works and thinks. You could listen to that long fan interview and already know in advance how he would come across even in times like this.

I think people look for the manager to say something that reflects what they are thinking, and in some instances want to hear him say EXACTLY what they are thinking and don´t understand why he doesn´t. Again it´s adults looking for comfort in meaningless interviews. I don´t get it.

I guess I feel it makes us fans looks daft as we've all watched the games and generally seen how turd we've been.

So to hear him come out and say a load of positive stuff makes me think, not that he hasn't seen the bad stuff, but that he's trying to deflect the bad stuff and almost make us fans forget it happened. Which obviously we don't.

But as Bruce says, really doesn't matter what he says.
The one I feel sorry for is his wife, we as fans can choose to not listen to it and just trust our own opinions of what we see on the pitch.

His wife however has to listen to it 24/7.

'Hmm this paella is phenomenal darling, it's unique and I feel it's part of my heritage, it's in my DNA to enjoy and appreciate this perfect moment...Ohhh this Rioja is truly outstanding and compliments the phenomenal paella perfectly....'

"Shut the feck up Bob and just eat your Tesco meal deal will ya"

As a journalist said last week on Radio 5 live RM would find positives in the apocalypse!! I think he just uses it as a front and hopefully he is letting rip at the players in the dressing room.
Monday nights PR work with Naismith & RM both talking about Mirallas and the penalty incident on Sky showed how they will just brush it off in front of the cameras when behind the scenes it's totally different.
It doesn't matter what he says in front of the camera or the impression we get from his comments, It only matters what he's telling the players and the reaction they have from it
Disagree completely. The fans need to know that the problems are being addressed. Week after week of abysmal performances tells three things - 1, RM doesn't know how to fix the problem. 2, RM doesn't see a problem. 3, RM has told the players and they're not responding.

If RM wants the support of the fans (which frankly, he doesn't seem to have, not 100% anyway), he needs to be be honest with them.
Disagree completely. The fans need to know that the problems are being addressed. Week after week of abysmal performances tells three things - 1, RM doesn't know how to fix the problem. 2, RM doesn't see a problem. 3, RM has told the players and they're not responding.

If RM wants the support of the fans (which frankly, he doesn't seem to have, not 100% anyway), he needs to be be honest with them.

Hmmm... trouble is, there is a fine line between washing ones dirty linen in public and keeping the public informed.
Sensible managers tend to or should be a little bit guarded about what they say to the media as their media staff should prepare them that anything they say can and will get twisted to suit the media agenda.
Hmmm... trouble is, there is a fine line between washing ones dirty linen in public and keeping the public informed.
Sensible managers tend to or should be a little bit guarded about what they say to the media as their media staff should prepare them that anything they say can and will get twisted to suit the media agenda.
I'm not suggesting he start talking down about individual players or anything like that, but we just need to hear more 'I'm not happy with the performance' 'we need to be more assertive in attack' etc. Give us a clue that he sees the problems.

I think RM is a clever public communicator in the sense that he does not criticize failure or errors in public. Last season when things were going well he sounded like a master of the language and he could excite everyone.

Now things are going badly and he is taking a lot of stick when often the players have really been to blame eg Howard in about 3 games, Distin, etc

His over-optimistic analysis can grate but he is doing his bit to keep the team united. Fergie wrote that the best thing a manager can give a player is confidence and RM does try to give his players confidence.
All managers have to go through 'sticky' periods it's how they and the team come through those that will determine future success. If we get to 20 games without a win though it may signal a bigger problem and the board would have no choice but to act. I am hoping we will see an improvement when they return from warm weather training.

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