Lescott on his dream move...to Everton

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Look Craig, if you'd read my post I said £10m seemed adequate. Some people feel compelled to have as much as possible, while others seem more interested in having as much as they need. Lescott is in the first camp clearly.

Need and want, want and need. Different concepts. It's not insane or stupid to not have your head turned by riches that you don't actually need.

Love you x

Yes John, he clearly doesnt need the money, but he has no ties to the Club and he can earn twice the money he was on.
If we applied your theory there would be no such thing as Billionares, because as soon as they made more than £10m they would quit.

Hugs and kisses
the two situations aren't analogous though. i'm not sure what you're doing for a living but if you're like 99% of the world, I doubt its what you would consider to be any sort of a dream job.

athletes work in a completely different way. an ambitious worker wants to get promoted to earn money. an ambitious athlete should want to win trophies, not just make money.

there are plenty of school teachers with degrees (atleast in america) that would allow them to be college professors, and earn wayyyyy more money, but they choose not to because they are exactly where they want to believe.

if a team like arsenal had come in with a bid, i might have considered it, but lescott turned down a team playing in europe for one that isn't. a team that finished 5th for a team that finished lower half... that shows he's not an ambitious athlete, and i think enough athletes are out there that are ambitious that its fair to criticize him for choosing to go to the money.

Yes, spot on.
Yes John, he clearly doesnt need the money, but he has no ties to the Club and he can earn twice the money he was on.
If we applied your theory there would be no such thing as Billionares, because as soon as they made more than £10m they would quit.

Hugs and kisses

Well Craig, if there were no billionaires and all of us took merely what we needed, perhaps the world would be a better place. Hmmm?

Flying the red flag today, mate :)

Kisses back
So your an Aston Villa supporter and somebody says to you, look you can stay here and earn £10m or you can move to a different Club and earn £20m.

Its not the most difficult choice anybody would make.

Loving everybody saying " But they already earn loads ". Well now he can buy 2 Ferraris and use 1 for going to Asda and 1 for buying beanie hats.

you put £20 not £20m.. but im being an arsehole.. yeh i'd go for 20 more money i quess.. might think twice if it was my home team tho

Thats the hippy coming out in you John, it just doesnt fit with the new world we live in mate, sadly not everybody is as fair minded as you clearly are.

Big love right back at you.
*raises fist and shouts "right on brother"

I blame Thatcher, mate (see below)

Thats the hippy coming out in you John, it just doesnt fit with the new world we live in mate, sadly not everybody is as fair minded as you clearly are.

Big love right back at you.

Thatcher's child, or actually Thatcher's product, which is worse.

Mushy kisses

I blame Thatcher, mate (see below)

Burn him :lol:

You can't compare Lescott (or other athletes) with billionaires though as billionaires typically make their money by selling things. The more they sell, the more money they make. Speaking personally, when I ran a business selling something was a vote of confidence from the customer to you. I suspect its that way for many business people. I very much doubt Bill Gates cared how much money he was worth after he'd reached a certain amount of wealth, and had he cared he quite probably would have fallen flat on his face.

Lescott by contrast can't produce more, all he can do is become more valuable by winning things. I'm not sure you can lump him in with the mercenaries that joined Newcastle et al as you would think Man City would have to win something with all the money they're spending but nevertheless it does leave a sour taste in the mouth.

Wishing death to anybody isnt allowed in the rules Reids. I got an infraction for wishing death on Cal once.

i never wished death on her, i said i will dance a jig or party on when the event occurs, a get together of more than 3 people which she banned, like some south african law handed out to the likes of steve biko.

people have wished much worse on lescott in this and other threads, if he gets all that people have wished on him then he'll be tapping that former players fund.

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