Lescott on his dream move...to Everton

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What did I say that was petty?? I said money. That's the reason he went. End of.

Well that and the fact City are way more likely to win things than we are.

So he misses out on 1 season of Europa League football. I guarantee he will play in more bigger European and domestic games for City than he would us.

He saw Man City offering a big wage increase and doing something we havent. And thats buy players to challenge the top four and to win things.

Whether they will do or not remains to be seen, but i'm sure he would prefer to take the chance and give up on a nice round of applause now and again.

City are moving forward and we are standing still. I bet thats at elast half his reason for leaving.
Christ on a bike, stop being so petty about it, the lad was offered 3x his wages, he's got dodgy knees that may well see him never completing his career to the usual mid 30's.

The way it has come about has in truth been as much Moyse's fault as Lescott's and the boards and Man City and whoever Man City have to do their dealing.

Anyone with their head screwed on would have gone, it's just Moyse perpetuated it by saying he wasn't selling instead of going to do the deal 5 weeks ago when it all kicked off.

Now the club look like a bunch of sell outs with nothing to show apart from 1 world class player down and the same faces in the team.

The way the board & Moyse have dealt with this situation has been nothing but shambolic. Yes we want to keep hold of our best players, but we've got to match them with the wages or lose them, simple as.

thats wot it comed down to as far as im concerned...wages
dont think Moyes was bein a prat about it though.course he was pi**ed off bout it just like the rest of us but as soon as lescott handed in his transfer request i would of let him go. wots the point having him on the pitch if hes thinkin about greener fields and all that. suppose Moyes hoped it wopuld blow over and hed forget it but wasnt to be
we'lldo grand without him anyways
To be honest, if I was him I would have handed a transfer request and kicked off big time to go to City at the first opportunity.

Just like I would hand in my notice if another company offered me 3x my current wages.

Not really the same is it though? If you're already earning £2 million + a year then there is very little in life that you can't buy. When you reach that stage in your career then success comes before an extra bit of money that you don't really need.

I guess it comes down to the morals and standards you wish to live life by. When you have less money then you may compromise those standards to provide for you and your family. Lescott didn't need to whatsoever, yet compromise them he did.

If someone offered me a 300% pay rise I'd bite their hand off right now, but not if I was already earning £2 million a year. When you get to that stage other things become more important.
Yawn Bruce, yawn.

Its just like saying once somebody gets £2m they should stop working. Nobody will need more than £2m to live on for the rest of their life.

Maybe you write to D Beckham and tell him he shouldnt have taken that big money move to America cos hes already got enough money.

Not really the same is it though? If you're already earning £2 million + a year then there is very little in life that you can't buy. When you reach that stage in your career then success comes before an extra bit of money that you don't really need.

I guess it comes down to the morals and standards you wish to live life by. When you have less money then you may compromise those standards to provide for you and your family. Lescott didn't need to whatsoever, yet compromise them he did.

If someone offered me a 300% pay rise I'd bite their hand off right now, but not if I was already earning £2 million a year. When you get to that stage other things become more important.

Maybe, but footballers have relatively short working lives

If they want to live exorbitantly (is that a word?) all their lives, they have to earn as much as they can.

Can you see where i'm getting at?
Assuming a 10 year career for a footballer he'd earn over £20 million in his footballing career. Not that he could possibly then lift a finger for the remaining 30 years of his working lives, or heaven forbid, retrain, go back to school etc.

As for Beckham, I dare say right now if you asked him whether he regrets taking the money in America he'd say a big hell yeah. If you gave him a choice between a contract playing pro bono for Milan or the chance to see out his playing career in America I suspect we both know which he'd take given Mr Capello's opinion of the American league.
Who cares now though? He's gone to a mediocre club that has suddenly got lots of money and will eventually gatecrash into some success, think of themselves as top dogs for the 2 seasons after that, before being forgetton about as flash in the pan as the other clubs around them boost their team or at the very least be the 5th "biggest" team in the premiership ie spending and silverware.

Lets concentrate on Everton. Lescott isnt Everton.
Not really the same is it though? If you're already earning £2 million + a year then there is very little in life that you can't buy. When you reach that stage in your career then success comes before an extra bit of money that you don't really need. I guess it comes down to the morals and standards you wish to live life by. When you have less money then you may compromise those standards to provide for you and your family. Lescott didn't need to whatsoever, yet compromise them he did. If someone offered me a 300% pay rise I'd bite their hand off right now, but not if I was already earning £2 million a year. When you get to that stage other things become more important.
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I'm right behind you there.
I'm lucky enough to do something I love, I've been offered a lot more money to do something else but it's not always about that.
Look at those quotes he's made before, bottom line his head's been turned. He's joined the mercenaries, he waited until the eve of a season to place his transfer request.
He's a massive snide.
this short career line that gets trotted out really doesn't hold with me, become a p.e. teacher or start a football school.
all of a sudden we have people like graeme sharp saying it left right and centre, he's having to turn a shift, so is this new breed different to those guys who have become journo's, pundits, managers, coaches, trainers, youth development officers, fans liason officers etc etc so different to them that we all accept that they get minted and then dont have to put in a minutes work once they take their boots off for the last time, before putting them back on years later for a bit more sky money in a sports hall or beach.

it amazes me when graeme sharp says it cos i'm pretty sure he was on a good bunce back then (although nothing compared to what they get these days) but not able to sit back until the grim reaper comes a knockin, now of the players of that era i'm pretty sure that a good many of them earned enough to not have to work now, what this new breed are getting will mean that they will live in total grandeur long after retirement, for what ? in some cases keeping a bench warm and being content to do so.

Plus of course I'm sure it wouldn't be beyond players to attend university whilst they play. I mean they don't train 8 hours a day so I'm sure they could quite easily study at the same time if they wanted to.
Assuming a 10 year career for a footballer he'd earn over £20 million in his footballing career. Not that he could possibly then lift a finger for the remaining 30 years of his working lives, or heaven forbid, retrain, go back to school etc.

Going by that reasoning it would make sense to say that money wasn't the sole reason for him going?


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