John Stones

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It terrifies me how good he's going to be, and already is. He's playing as well as any of our centre backs have this season and we've got seasoned internationals to compare him against.

If he would have got in the team a couple of months earlier he would be going to Brazil this summer.
He may yet anyway if we get a few injuries which usually happens. I'd not worry if he was picked.

It terrifies me how good he's going to be, and already is. He's playing as well as any of our centre backs have this season and we've got seasoned internationals to compare him against.

If he would have got in the team a couple of months earlier he would be going to Brazil this summer.

He's starting to cut out those judgement errors when the balls in the air the past 3 games as well mate, that was the only part of his game that he struggled with, very very fast learner like, and technically as good as anyone we have, then again we both rated him straight away so we are the cool kids
......he was always a CB playing at RB. It was recognised when he signed that he was a CB, although he had been learning his trade at RB. Regardless, what a prospect. Amazed nobody is talking him up for England.
Collymore just did. Said Woy should take him to at least the friendly game against Peru.
Collymore just did. Said Woy should take him to at least the friendly game against Peru.

That paneca vs Valencia told a massive amount about the lad tbh in the pre season mate, the type of thing a lad at that age just doesn't ever do

Supremely confident in how good he is but is learning all the time

Some will have a hissy fit, but I reckon Stones could be up there with Labone in a few years time.
Labone's strength, odd famous quote aside, was being unfazed by who he faced, Stones is the same at 19 years old. No names or personalities have fazed him so far. Just experience he is missing from his education.
Absolute bargain for what we paid for him.
He's only 19 too.

Ban him. Ban him now for the good of football. He's just gonna be too ace. He'll ruin forwards and then stride through midfields like they don't exist.

Get Hibbert at centre half NOW.

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