Joel Robles

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I think you're right about the FA cup Joe it definitely needs a new injection of something. Not sure about the league cup though, haven't the lower leagues already got a few cup competitions exclusive to them? Maybe get rid of it when we've eventually won the thing!
Yes but the lower league clubs enter the FA cup there are may full profesional teams in the Div 4 as they just call it a different name, to avoisd monies - The fa cup could then go back to replays if the top teams were not playing in what i call the mickey mouse cup!
Look at the attendances in the early rounds - its only in the semi finals the big teams take it seriously Doug!
Robles will play, but really is that match practice?
Do you know what Doug I feel the League cup should be division one including the Conference division with no prem teams involved, and put the FA Cup status back as a champions leagued place as both cups are treated with contempt by most top Prem sides in Europe!
When it evolved it was only for the lower divisions - it would also help the conference division which should be officially division 4 anyway!
The FA Cup then would stop top teams playing reserves etc if the prize was worth while!

don't they already have things like LDV vans (whatever the sponsor is now) and FA trophy etc. there's a few down there, but not sure on the stipulation. they don't go as high as championship, but include every team below that i believe.

He has to be given a chance now.
Martinez brought him in and must see something in him.
I am sick of watching a scared howard diving away from the ball.
At least joel is not scared
Jim Mcdonagh an expensive signing a quarter of a million pound from Bolton lasted one season the smallest blues keeper I ever seen very poor indeed!
David lawson cost more , and he was so poor too!
I think he may start v Arsenal.
Drafted in for under 21s.
Playing against Norwich.

I wonder if this is going to be his chance...

Do you remember the last time he came in to play against Arsenal??

If ever there's a time to give him a run in the team over Howard starting it in an away game to Arsenal with them in form and with their tails up isn't it.

Whats the alternative? Play someone low on confidence and ability?
Maybe i am being too hopeful but I thought it was weird to suddenly draft him in..

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