Joao Silva

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500k is mega cheap these days, especially for a supposed wonder kid. Either he's a bit rubbish or Moyes has pulled off another master stroke.


Me and LCAB had were told about this a while ago by Source during one of 3 Amigos get togethers !! Ha Ha . He (Source) reckons the Blues think that he's one for the future but a good prospect. Had a few teams sniffing around but Moyes acted quickly as he's been watching him for a while we were told. The price sort of tells the story though so I reckon he'll be in the Rezzies and around the bench aka Agard etc . But I suppose it depends what he does Pre-Season but he certainly has the attributes to be good. Fingers Crossed tho mate.


I heard his agent id Davey neice!

We dont have a good record signing young strikers, Spencer, Jukebox hopefully this lad will buck the thread.

Makes you wonder about the future of Agard and Baxter.

Does sound like one of these to me. Year in reserves, 6 month loan somewhere then sold for £750.... Hopefully he'll be more like Gosling or Coleman tho! :) Agard and Baxter are still a bit younger than him aren't they? Plus play different positions?
Just spoke to my mate Pedro who is based in Portugal, he's a huge football fan and when I questioned him about Joao he thought that Everton grabbed themselves a bargin.

He's a winger that has hella-lot of pace.

Already very excited here lads. I have a strong feeling that we have made a magic signing yet again. Portugese are always good at adding flair to the side.

Thanks NUNO!;)

he's not without hair... even his temples, we've signed ourself a werewolf

Hey everyone I found these 2 links:

It's not much but it's something. Joao Silva is number 19.

Also wanted to say that I found a forum, don't remember where, where someone said that comparison with Pauleta where way off, he said Joao Silva looks more like Hugo Almeida, who we where linked last summer if I remember correctly, becuase he is very big and strong and he is also a very good with his head.
Hey everyone I found these 2 links:

It's not much but it's something. Joao Silva is number 19.

Also wanted to say that I found a forum, don't remember where, where someone said that comparison with Pauleta where way off, he said Joao Silva looks more like Hugo Almeida, who we where linked last summer if I remember correctly, becuase he is very big and strong and he is also a very good with his head.

Good work mate.

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