Happy Birthday GrandOldTeam!

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You know, sometimes I wonder what I'd have done with my time if that 1st image I tried to load had posted successfully.
It's grown like a fungus. I reckon there must be about forty or fifty of us on this site now.

About twenty of those are old Chico sock puppets.

So, basically there are 40 or 50 fun guys here and a few fun ladies.
Happy Birthday funsters.

*tips hat to the owner. Sterling work you do here young sir.

Danny poached me, I'm not going to lie about it. The five year rule has passed.

There was anarchy on TW forum. Civil war. Neiler took Garry's side but that's airbrushed from history now like. Dylan was up his arse too like.

Danny emailed me one day with a link to here before it was launched and told me to keep it down. It was small and friendly. The the lurkers - the silent mafia - took over this place. It's crap now.
Danny poached me, I'm not going to lie about it. The five year rule has passed.

There was anarchy on TW forum. Civil war. Neiler took Garry's side but that's airbrushed from history now like. Dylan was up his arse too like.

Danny emailed me one day with a link to here before it was launched and told me to keep it down. It was small and friendly. The the lurkers - the silent mafia - took over this place. It's crap now.

Im still backing Gary to make a comeback like, hes my Tim Krul pick for next season, forza Gary!


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