Would you?

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No way, no chance, ever!

No money paid by an Evertonian to watch Everton should ever find its way into a Liverpool coffer, imagine sitting on those red seats in the Kop, makes me sick the thought, seriously im wretching here!

that would preclude evertonians from supporting the team when playing rs away. although i broadly agree with the sentiment in so far as, whilst i could live with an equitable groundshare, i'd be very unhappy with renting stadium facilities from rs.
All of my being tells me NO! But if it meant that GP was redeveloped into a modern stadium that we could be proud of, then I would grit my teeth for 2 years. On balance I'd prefer that to being permanently out of the city at Kirkby.

hmmm.. for the carrot of a world class goodison park, some of you are scared of a little bloody nose.

some of you are screaming no to kirkby and then continue screaming against a redeveloped goodison on the premise of groundsharing for a couple of seasons.

i'm sure there is a very interesting psychological study somewhere in there that would involve delving in to your child psyche, but as i'm a physicist in nature i'll leave it for any budding psychologists to mull over.
hmmm.. for the carrot of a world class goodison park, some of you are scared of a little bloody nose.

some of you are screaming no to kirkby and then continue screaming against a redeveloped goodison on the premise of groundsharing for a couple of seasons.

i'm sure there is a very interesting psychological study somewhere in there that would involve delving in to your child psyche, but as i'm a physicist in nature i'll leave it for any budding psychologists to mull over.

Im a Psychotherapist mate and you lost me!:lol:
for 2 years it would be ok.
isnt tranmere a viable option or to small?

it would be a belting atmosphere at prenton park every week.
isn't prenton outside the city limits ? we'd have a whopping income from there wouldnt we, seriously everyone is anti this anti that, i dont reckon you know what you want yourselves. it seems unanimous that we would all prefer to stay at a new gp, yet where do some of you propose we play in the meantime ? maybe a pitch suspended in the sky above goodison and we can all rent hotair balloons to get a glimpse.

isn't prenton outside the city limits ? we'd have a whopping income from there wouldnt we, seriously everyone is anti this anti that, i dont reckon you know what you want yourselves. it seems unanimous that we would all prefer to stay at a new gp, yet where do some of you propose we play in the meantime ? maybe a pitch suspended in the sky above goodison and we can all rent hotair balloons to get a glimpse.

That's why I thought I'd ask the question. With The [Poor language removed] needing the income and Everton (under these circumstances) needing a temporary home where would we go: - the options to me look like:

a) Analfield
b.)New Analfield (if GP development was further down the road)
c) Wigan (a bit small)
d) Man City (a bit far?)
e) Tranmere - rather small
f) St Helens Rugby ground (or similar RL ground) - all small
g) Bolton - too far?
h) Goodison at much reduced capacity (say 28,000 - which matches Wigan)

If 3/4 of our supporter base could live with no game for most of one season (say April until August plus 1 year) then it could be achieved. Other questions worth asking of course are: Funding, Feasability, Future Income Streams.

But I thought I'd ask the question anyway since GP seems to be on everyone's mind.

All of my being tells me NO! But if it meant that GP was redeveloped into a modern stadium that we could be proud of, then I would grit my teeth for 2 years. On balance I'd prefer that to being permanently out of the city at Kirkby.

agree 100%...would be a bollock breaker but, would be better than going to kirkby
I would share with the devil if it means getting what we all really want whats the worse 2 years there or eternity in Kirkby , Lets remember we would only be going home as we where there first
I actually think the best (and perhaps the only affordable) way to keep Everton in the city limits is to buy Anfield. Though many people would say no way, I like the idea of burning everything [Poor language removed] in the middle of the pitch and turning the stadium blue while the [Poor language removed] plays matches in their new soulless stadium with ticket prices that are double what they are now.

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