Liverpool vs Everton - Sun 30th 16:00

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we're going to get absolutely mullered....and there is nothing we can do about it except sit and watch.

3-0 Liverpool.
Ha ha, listen to you guys.

You'll be singing from a different song sheet if Man U take Torres out today.

Don't forget, Torres and Gerrard aside, they're ordinary.

my prediction is a draw, 1 1.
I'm often described by mates as a bit of a cynic. If I'm a cynic then what the hell are you guys?! :lol:

We can do it. Just think back to the Fiorentina second leg. When the pressure is really on, we can step up a level. Maybe there's been a bit of complacency or whatever these last couple of games. But Moyesey will have the boys fired up for next week. COYB






Only team I can really think of. Obviously the other option could be Hibbert at right back and Neville in midfield but we atleast need to have a go and show some ambition. I've got a feeling both AJ and Cahill are out which is a big shame. If they can somehow get back then Fernandes out, Osman drops into midfield and either one partners the Yak.

Prediction: 0-0. We'll have a go for the first 20 minutes, then retreat to the edge of our box like always and take the pressure and frustrate the redshite. I think where at our best when we have our backs to the wall anyway do the game will suit us and we always have Yak who can nick a goal on the break.




I suspect it's going to be the Hibbert version, with Manny on the bench and Neville in midfield.
As bad as Liverpool looked against Man.U i just can't see us beating them.

They way we've played in our last matches sees us leaking 2 or 3 goals.

HOWEVER maybe knowing a win will put us in front of Pool by a point might bring out a famous performance !
How can you actually enter this thread with even the thought of losing to Liverpool in your mind. We're going to [Poor language removed] whip their asses. COYB

How can you actually enter this thread with even the thought of losing to Liverpool in your mind. We're going to [Poor language removed] whip their asses. COYB

[Poor language removed] yeah. All the people waffling on about form and how [Poor language removed] we have been the last 2 games need to realise 2 things.

1 : that good form starts when bad form ends, and vice versa so we are due to start kicking ass again,

2 : this is the [Poor language removed] in a game where paybeck isn't just expected, its [Poor language removed] owed so lets go out there and [Poor language removed] kill em in front of their own fans fair and square.
If they had not lost today I think, knowing that even beating them would still have seen us behind them, psychologically we would have been incapable of winning. However, knowing a win will put us a point in front of them - and with their next match at Arsenal where ours is home to Derby - I see us winning ;)
havent posted in some time (just been reading) time like the present to reemerge, i say...and no reason to reemerge if not with optimism.....

1-0 (osman, 91'...he only seems to score when it matters most--and what matter more than this?) COYB!
well, at least we have them coming into this game on a downer after getting dicked by the Mancs. Still think we need to seriously up it but a lot depends on those injured and who can come back. Need the likes of Cahill, Yobo and Pienaar back desperately

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