Everton Fans Reaction To Sean Dyche Press Conference

Sean Dyche faced the media for the first time this afternoon since becoming Everton’s new manager and Evertonians have been sharing their view on what the manager had to say over in our Everton forum and on social media.

Toffe3m4n: Don’t think he could’ve spoken any better than that really. Offered a proper rallying cry and shared some insight into how he’s seen things and how we can move forward. No one should’ve expected him to throw his new bosses under the bus in his very first presser like – he was very measured.

Sharpies volley: He spoke well. Let’s hope his management style is as good and we kick on.

Streetender1878: Spoke really well. Seems to have identified a few things straight away and is dealing with them his way. The players aren’t fit enough and their confidence in themselves as players has been ruined by Lampard and his unplayable system. I think it also had an effect on us as supporters as well. Even though its an early kick off I am sure Goodison will be bouncing and snarling fuelled by events of recent weeks and everybody will be right behind the team. Good luck blue boys.

Nymzee: His voice sounds like my old washing machine before I had to throw it out.

b-rad: The way he comes across, and the jobs he has done previously, make me think under normal circumstances we would see a pretty healthy “new manager bounce”. A couple of wins would make a huge difference to the table. With no new signings to help kick-start it, and with the first two games coming against Arsenal and the RS, we might not even get it. If Dyche is the man, we needed him in over the World Cup. Every game in January was winnable.

roy vernon: Showed an impressive amount of self awareness, ‘ Marmite Manager’ ‘not everyone’s choice’ etc. I think he knows what he has taken on and I think he backs himself to succeed. Wasn’t my choice, but, I feel sorry for him working for the incompetent employers he does and I wish him every success.

Gary Montgomery: Spoke really well, obviously knew when taking the job that recruitment was going to be tough but didn’t put him off. Hopefully he has the skillset to turn it around and get some of the players actually looking like footballers

Peter McCole: Never once mentioned the word “relegation” which is EXACTLY what I wanted to hear. He is focused on the job, it’s a big ask but not impossible. A few wins and we can fight our way out

River Mersey FC: Straight talking, enjoyed his take on his conversations with players and how he is interested in their careers to date. Clearly a people manager and we need that more than ever. Oh, and a win on Saturday.

Keegoefc: Honesty. Positivity. Calmness. Referenced hard work and togetherness. Very impressive.

Stu: Tried to be honest but seemed to have been briefed on what to say over lack of transfers. There’s no way he believes that none of the players available wouldn’t improve us.

Kingy: Honest and clear about the situation the club is in. Knows everyone has to pull together in order to stay in the premier league

Steve: He’s a leader. He wants to take it all on his own shoulders. Not a fan of his football, but he’s what we really need here and now and after watching that, I felt like I could run through a brick wall for him. If only he can get the players to feel that way and we’re staying up.

Richard Murphy: I thought he was a bit aggressive to a couple of the questions to be honest. No surprises overall though, was obviously going to call for unity, tell us we have good players (obviously hasn’t worked with them long enough yet) and say that the board/DoF are all working hard etc.

Neeruj Luthra: Spoke very well. Was a bit contradictory on the subject of transfers, but didn’t seem fazed by not signing any new players. I liked his positivity combined with realism.

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