Andy Gray: Mirallas Should Apologise

Andy Gray reckons Kevin Mirallas should apologise what he described as “selfish” actions on Monday night vs West Brom.

Kevin Mirallas took the extraordinary step on Monday night of disobeying team orders to take a penalty, prompting wide condemnation and Andy Gray thinks he owes the Club an explanation and apology.

Speaking to the Mirror, Gray: “In this day where footballers are so quick to get on social media and air their grievances, it would be so nice for Kevin Mirallas to get on social media and explain what went on there, what he was thinking about, what was in his mind,” said Gray.

“If he hasn’t got that, then (offer) a simple apology to Everton fans because that is two points gone. It was selfish. He was only interested in himself.

“There is no doubt in my mind that if Everton would have scored that penalty, and I think Baines would have scored, then they would have gone on to win the game.”



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