Which goal was better

Which goal?

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It's not even to do with my Sigurdsson dislike, it's just how incredible the technique for Rooney's is. Coming towards him at pace and he hits it just perfectly to avoid hitting Oliver, lobbing the two centre halves and then rolling in.

Do it this way, imagine Rooney scoring Sigurdsson's and vice versa. You'd be more shocked by Sigurdsson scoring Rooney's, imo, than you would by Rooney scoring vs Split.

No way, you would 100% vote for Rooney if the goals were reversed.

I actually can't decide. They're unique in their own ways. I haven't seen many volleys from 50 yards out on the touchline either.
No way, you would 100% vote for Rooney if the goals were reversed.

I actually can't decide. They're unique in their own ways. I haven't seen many volleys from 50 yards out on the touchline either.

I was going to abstain and just say 'Barkley's vs Newcastle' but I couldn't be arsed with you coming after me with faces in inanimate objects.
I was going to abstain and just say 'Barkley's vs Newcastle' but I couldn't be arsed with you coming after me with faces in inanimate objects.

Many are saying Rooney's and adding that it made his hattrick. But that should not be taken into the evaluation, because the question is which goal is the better.. and then it doesn't matter what you did before or later in the game. It is just the seconds that goal was scored that should be taken into the evaluation.

Also. Saying gylfis was a fluke? What do you think he tried to do? Lay the ball dead?

Both wonder goals and both great technique. Siggys shot had to beat a keeper whilst Rooneys just had to be on target. Both worthy of goal of the season but Siggys edges it for me.
So the margin for error on the trajectory of a ball is greater when you have to beat a keeper on his line than for Rooney's goal where no one was anywhere near the goal line?

Well for a start, the keeper wasn't on his line, which is why he shot, but regardless, the margin for error you're talking about, the tragectory, is far greater than the margin for error on hitting across a ball bouncing towards you on the half volley with the laces, 1st time, from your own half. I've seen people clear the fence on a 5aside pitch from 10 yards out with a ball rolling back towards them like that.

So for Rooney to keep the ball at such a low trajectory and still get that distance is entirely part of the skill, and far harder to do than any up and under on a ball bouncing out in front of you.

Again, anyone who has ever played football will tell you which is harder, and it's Rooney every time.

Many are saying Rooney's and adding that it made his hattrick. But that should not be taken into the evaluation, because the question is which goal is the better.. and then it doesn't matter what you did before or later in the game. It is just the seconds that goal was scored that should be taken into the evaluation.

Also. Saying gylfis was a fluke? What do you think he tried to do? Lay the ball dead?

Don't think it was a fluke but it was a classic hit and hope type effort that several players could score including the likes of Charlie Adam. Pretty sure Rooney scored for United against West Ham with one that bounced up for him and he just lashed it as hard as he could. Great goal but can be done by many players with strength in their legs and if they connect right.

Rooney's on the other hand could only have been executed in the way he did and by few players in World Football.
Well for a start, the keeper wasn't on his line, which is why he shot, but regardless, the margin for error you're talking about, the tragectory, is far greater than the margin for error on hitting across a ball bouncing towards you on the half volley with the laces, 1st time, from your own half. I've seen people clear the fence on a 5aside pitch from 10 yards out with a ball rolling back towards them like that.

So for Rooney to keep the ball at such a low trajectory and still get that distance is entirely part of the skill, and far harder to do than any up and under on a ball bouncing out in front of you.

Again, anyone who has ever played football will tell you which is harder, and it's Rooney every time.

Rooney's was like a perfectly executed snooker shot stunned right down the table with deadly precise cue ball control. Sigurdsson's was more of a rugby conversion from right out on the touch line kicking through at an outswinging angle. Both requiring completely different skills but both equally as difficult to pull off.
Rooney's was like a perfectly executed snooker shot stunned right down the table with deadly precise cue ball control. Sigurdsson's was more of a rugby conversion from right out on the touch line kicking through at an outswinging angle. Both requiring completely different skills but both equally as difficult to pull off.

Not equally, in any way shape or form.
I preferred Sigurdsson's goal against Southampton to the Europa league one.

The technique for Rooney's was just ridiculous. It was a tremendous goal.

None of them beat Bily's against Portsmouth on the last game of the season though.

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