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Dave....My cousin was John Moores chauffeur for many years,and always said he was a good boss. Moores did not suffer fools or scroungers, and this set him at odds with a large part of his family,who he thought were exactly that. Having strong views about religion in its various forms does not make anyone a bad person. My cousin,incidentally, was a Roman Catholic.
It does if they're prejudiced. Which he was. According to his family member.
I understand all of these replies re discrimination, but in the case of JM it has long been asserted that Barbara Cleggs book was a hatchet job fuelled by her dislike of her uncle. And to put a football slant on the thread, again,and avoiding Daves attempt to deflect by creating a sub plot about JMs personality, the fact is that Everton football club thrived under the stewardship of John Moores, and for that, blues will forever be thankful. Hopefully our new messiah from the east will bring years of success with him.
Good post that , Steve
Coming from Formby,years ago I would often see Sir John getting driven in behind me on the way to Goodison,a Ford Scorpio,JM1 reg he had Steve!! cousin John had to get up very early in the morning because JM insisted on being first in the office. Incidentally...are you the Terry Darracott? If so you'll remember yourself and Archie Styles drinking with Sid Wills and myself at that pub in Kensington that sold the deadly Cornbrooks Bitter? I think you and Archie should have been at training at the time....things were different then !!
I understand all of these replies re discrimination, but in the case of JM it has long been asserted that Barbara Cleggs book was a hatchet job fuelled by her dislike of her uncle. And to put a football slant on the thread, again,and avoiding Daves attempt to deflect by creating a sub plot about JMs personality, the fact is that Everton football club thrived under the stewardship of John Moores, and for that, blues will forever be thankful. Hopefully our new messiah from the east will bring years of success with him.
FWIW I haven’t read the book, and my source isn’t anything to do with the author or any other member of the Moore’s family.

But the rest of the post I completely agree with.

Well the new stadium is on the waterfront , I'm sure he could find somewhere to tie it up or just moor it where the ferry comes in. I'm pretty sure he could afford the fines !
I have it on good authority that he's planning on using his yacht to pull the fully built stadium up the docks and put it in place with an army of helicopters.
It does if they're prejudiced. Which he was. According to his family member.

Keep up Dave, I've already indicated that none of his family liked him because he worked to hard and they felt that they didn't get their share of the spoils, so 'according to a family member' has no credibility whatever.

Didn't Kenwrighrt sell his 51% to moshri and kept on for 5 years in the same capacity as major shareholder. Not 100% sure but I'm sure it was mentioned in the shareholders letters a while back.

Kenwright has never owned 51% mate.

He owned around 12%, think Woods sold his shares or something, not sure, but as far as im aware Bill still owns shares.
Didn't Kenwrighrt sell his 51% to moshri and kept on for 5 years in the same capacity as major shareholder. Not 100% sure but I'm sure it was mentioned in the shareholders letters a while back.

Mosh owns 49% and has an option to buy Bills shares. In fact hasn't Mosh already taken up his option and bought Jon Woods shares.
I seem to recall that Moshiri has 49% of the shares and when work starts on the stadium he has an option to purchase the majority of the rest of the shares.

If Usmanov is coming on board then I would think that happens when work actually starts on the stadium when the share option can be realised.

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