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You on about Blue Bill in Corrie now Dave?;)lol
He's not the only one mate.
The Sky /Kopite media will have to change their tune over plucky lil ebertoh.
They must be sick to their craw over this .
Make the lot of them beg for scraps I say.
That day will be a great day mate, although I'm old enough to remember our 1980's glory days, they pretty much detested us back then, any praise was grudgingly given,"The team with no stars"we were labelled, jeez,we had eleven of them:)
His biographer (his neice Barbara Clegg) underlines what a religious bigot he was.

An utter wrongun.
Much as I’m not a fan of confirming anything Dave says, this is absolutely true.

You couldn’t hold a senior job at Littlewoods if you were Catholic.

His biographer (his neice Barbara Clegg) underlines what a religious bigot he was.

An utter wrongun.

Dave....My cousin was John Moores chauffeur for many years,and always said he was a good boss. Moores did not suffer fools or scroungers, and this set him at odds with a large part of his family,who he thought were exactly that. Having strong views about religion in its various forms does not make anyone a bad person. My cousin,incidentally, was a Roman Catholic.
Dave....My cousin was John Moores chauffeur for many years,and always said he was a good boss. Moores did not suffer fools or scroungers, and this set him at odds with a large part of his family,who he thought were exactly that. Having strong views about religion in its various forms does not make anyone a bad person.
We can debate your sentence as written, to be sure - but when you reduce or curtail people’s opportunities on the basis of religion, that’s not just “having strong views”
Dave....My cousin was John Moores chauffeur for many years,and always said he was a good boss. Moores did not suffer fools or scroungers, and this set him at odds with a large part of his family,who he thought were exactly that. Having strong views about religion in its various forms does not make anyone a bad person. My cousin,incidentally, was a Roman Catholic.
It does if you discriminate against someone based on their religion.
Dave....My cousin was John Moores chauffeur for many years,and always said he was a good boss. Moores did not suffer fools or scroungers, and this set him at odds with a large part of his family,who he thought were exactly that. Having strong views about religion in its various forms does not make anyone a bad person. My cousin,incidentally, was a Roman Catholic.
No, but discrimination on the basis of denomination is not a trait best cultivated

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