Roberto Martinez discussion

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If it does click we will have something special to support

Thanks to people like this bloke, you already do

Martinez' tactics are a bit odd here. He's had Barry at DM and McCarthy in CM but really, like you say should have them both covering the full backs when they charge up the pitch. Basically were using potentially the best DM in the league (McCarthy) at CM and our slowest player at DM...

The thing is, for all Barrys performances and running statistics this season has he been effective in preventing goals-- i dont think he has and thats mainly due to his lack of pace meaning he physically cant cover the full back or track back. For me, we need to try McCarthy in DM instead of Barry but the problem is that there is no CM player who can perform the box-to-box role nor a playmaker whose presence would mean the opposition couldnt commit too many players forward. I hope Ledson is next off the conveyor belt for us and Besic can force his way into the team as then Ledson,Besic and McCarthy have the legs which we lack in Barry.

The other thing is that teams are now playing 2 in the centre and if we were to match this then Barry would be a massive liability as teams would just run past him like Germany did but even more so now hes older.

Martinez i think is gradually building the team in his vision so it will be interesting to see what he does in the centre. Have McCarthy and Barkley been played in different roles to improve their all round game like with Lukaku last season?

In terms of Deulofeu hes playing the traditional winger role and looking good with Coleman behind. Galloway had 2 vs 1 situations due to Kone being miles away...this could end up a disaster for us with Baines seeking to bomb on leaving us exposed with Barrys ageing legs as cover...

Its a worry and something Martinez needs to address...probably in the summer.

Not to Martinez they're not
His signings for the first 11 are quality and so are his younger signings (though where is besic?!?!?!?!) but stopgaps have been poor overall.

Alcaraz & mcGeady not fantastic - Eto i have seen one of the worlds top footballers in a Everton kit, that will do for me.
When we signed Lukaku I was over the moon, when I heard the fee I though it was 8ml too much - shows what I know.
RM wants to build something around young exciting players who want to play the game the right way - that doesn't happen quickly, but sadly in today's game supporters want everything quickly.
If it does click we will have something special to support
Alcaraz & mcGeady not fantastic - Eto i have seen one of the worlds top footballers in a Everton kit, that will do for me.
When we signed Lukaku I was over the moon, when I heard the fee I though it was 8ml too much - shows what I know.
RM wants to build something around young exciting players who want to play the game the right way - that doesn't happen quickly, but sadly in today's game supporters want everything quickly.
If it does click we will have something special to support

It does"click", quite regularly. But its more often than not undermined by woeful defending/goalkeeping've had some clangers tonight mate . A few (paraphrased) words to the wise?
"And therefore never send to know for whom the bell clangs;
It clangs for thee"

10.19am...."tonight".....decent with the spellings but downright miserable with the time.....GOT being uK-domicile means we use GMT.......mate. o_O
Is it wrong to suggest we could already have a replacement for Barry already in the squad by the name of Besic? Granted he's a bit raw but we've hardly seen what we've got have we, I mean the lads what, 22, 23? And Bosnia felt comfortable enough with him to just have him shadow Lionel Messi for 90 minutes.
No offence mate, but after your writing that tripe, I'd rather listen to a 1000 tone deaf pigs squealing the back catalogue of One Direction, than hear any more of your views on football.*

Crikey Deip, bad form on your part there mate.....right down to my level.
I think the bigger question is let whether Martinez should go or not, but rather who would we replace him with that is definitely an upgrade? So no Sherwood, Moyes, Hughes, Koeman, etc.

I think the bigger question is let whether Martinez should go or not, but rather who would we replace him with that is definitely an upgrade? So no Sherwood, Moyes, Hughes, Koeman, etc.

Depends what you want - a manager to get more from the talent we have now or a manager that will develop a team for future* success?

* future = by 2018
The thing with the style of play Martinez has incorporated is that when it works ( Chelsea this season, many times in 2013-14) it looks beautiful. We look like Barcelona- even without Messi and co. However, when it doesn't we look like a boring team with one plan.

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