Player Threads - Sponsors

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Can’t wait for Nkounkou’s dad to join the forum so I get in with a shout of a decent swap.

Edit: Wait. I’m not on anybody, anymore. Did my sponsorship lapse @GrandOldTeam ?

Must have done mate. I don't keep close tabs on them or anything, I just run an export of active subs and then allocate away ;)

Just saw you've just renewed, thanks. I'll add you to the pending player list

We’ll get you in asap


Should flog a few more threads:

The Youth thread
The Women's team thread
Last Film You Watched
Transfer Thread

And so on. Basically, make every thread sponsorable and allow said sponsor a few free thread bans. Would happily sponsor the Leipzig thread just to ban Jimbo

Will confiscate your steak bakes

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