Neville Southall

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I can't be arsed reading the whole thread but any of the usual negative bastards are having a pop then just fick off and die. An absolute living legend
Who was the best in the world in his prime

You sound mad? Are you a little bit mad?
I love the story that Kendall told our defenders not to foul anyone and risk getting sent off as Nev would save the one on one.
*lights fuse

Southall sucks donkey balls compared to American Tim Howard.

*fires Molotov into thread


*turns around at a safe distance to watch thread go up in flames

In my opinion Nev's the best and was my hero, along with Reidy. I remember at his height, we'd just seen excellent keepers like clemence, Shilton, jennings and he was widely considered the best of the lot, (the beeb and other media were way less biased in those days). The only keeper they ever mentioned that might have topped him was lev yashin.

I remember a few years back dreaming that I met Nev in a pub and we got drinking. We got on really well, and went back to mine when the pub shut and put some music on. Then he just ripped into my music collection and came across as a real arse! Never meet your hero's... Even in a dream!

Read his book last year. Love the guy. He is Mr Everton in my eyes. Grounded.
The likes of Schmeichel and Buffon are up there, but I reckon Big Nev tops them both (from keepers in my lifetime). Possibly the only ever Everton player who could claim to be the best in the world in his position. An incredible player.

Southall and Dixie Dean. 60 league goals will never be beaten. I realise the standard of the game has changed but that could be levelled at any player throughout time.

Big Nev is the best keeper i have ever seen, and not just at Everton. All the great sides need a brilliant keeper. Strikers grab the headlines but the keeper is the most important role. Martyn was very good. Giving him directions to Leeds was a dreadful mistake in a decade littered with them.
That stefan Schwartz game was the first game I remember going to, if you watch the replay the camera goes on southall after it goes in and just see him shouting 'jammy twa t'...always makes me laugh

I remember that. That's what made me think he thought he should have saved it.
1-1 in the end I think. Cottee equalised.

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