Mr. Bill Kenrwright

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Bill kenwright has given more of his own money to the Labour party than Everton.

My uncle (labour politician) told me its well known he is after a knighthood at the very least.

He lives for the limelight, the status, the attention. For that reason alone he wont sell Everton unless he keeps his position.

How ironic, he wants someone to hand over the cash but he decides how to spend it.

L'Homme - Spectacle . Fumee et Mirroir ,... SURE I've said this somewhere before ,.. ??? Scratches head , a la , Stan Laurel ,...

Lashes Green Thing ,...
An ideal scenario woud be to have an Evertonian Jack Walker who was prepared to put up his own cash and leave us with no debt and let a manager crack on.

Look, we can go around in circles all day on this idealised takeover, inventing a hierarchy of preferred models. The future shape of a post Kenwright era Everton isn't the issue right now, though...the present Kenwright-led era is. That's the focus, and quite obviously it isn't working - unless, as some have stated, they're happy with starting off the season shooting for 6th.

As ever this debate gets bogged down in 'what if we fall on our arses with a new owner...better the devil you know' doom-mongering. Well that's a chance we'd take I suppose. Personally, I dont see a big difference in being second rate and running the risk of becoming third rate, to be honest.

I know we can go around in circles and discuss it all day long but I was geniunely interested as to what you would replace the current regime with. You in particular have a very blinkered view in regards to Kenwright and I wanted to see if I was missing something in regards to the alternative.

A Jack Walker would be good but this comes back to instant success. The Manchester United way of old is my personal preference- build the brand globally, sell out for hospitality every match day, huge sponsorship deals so the club isnt reliant on one owner sugar daddy.

To do this takes time and money, a big way that united achieved their recent success was the influx of youth players at the same time- top class players like Scholes, Beckham, Nevilles, Giggs etc. Success on the pitch equals success off it.

I honestly feel the biggest thing we need right now is a new stadium with better facilities for hospitality and a higher capacity. I dont think Kenwright can provide this so maybe its his time to move on but I wont vicously call for his head as I still appreciate the fact that we are in a better position than we were under Johnson.
I know we can go around in circles and discuss it all day long but I was geniunely interested as to what you would replace the current regime with. You in particular have a very blinkered view in regards to Kenwright and I wanted to see if I was missing something in regards to the alternative.

A Jack Walker would be good but this comes back to instant success. The Manchester United way of old is my personal preference- build the brand globally, sell out for hospitality every match day, huge sponsorship deals so the club isnt reliant on one owner sugar daddy.

To do this takes time and money, a big way that united achieved their recent success was the influx of youth players at the same time- top class players like Scholes, Beckham, Nevilles, Giggs etc. Success on the pitch equals success off it.

I honestly feel the biggest thing we need right now is a new stadium with better facilities for hospitality and a higher capacity. I dont think Kenwright can provide this so maybe its his time to move on but I wont vicously call for his head as I still appreciate the fact that we are in a better position than we were under Johnson.

I think you nailed it there really mate. I won't vicously call for Kenwrights head either. But the discussion in this thread certainly makes things clearer for those not as much in the know.

We are not in a bad position, but we're not in a good position, but at least we know one from the other.
maybe im not seeing the big picture here,
am i right in saying that bills attempts at TWO ground moves have failed?
am i right in saying he has lied/misled the supporters on the way?
am i right that he continually states he is "looking or investment"?
am i right in thinking there are TWO billionaires currently on the board?(one of whom is his , and the clubs "friend", )
am i right in thinking that we are currently being outspent by, sunderland, west brom blackpool etc

err, good job bill, ?

maybe im not seeing the big picture here,
am i right in saying that bills attempts at TWO ground moves have failed?
am i right in saying he has lied/misled the supporters on the way?
am i right that he continually states he is "looking or investment"?
am i right in thinking there are TWO billionaires currently on the board?(one of whom is his , and the clubs "friend", )
am i right in thinking that we are currently being outspent by, sunderland, west brom blackpool etc

err, good job bill, ?

We've covered all this mate.

Yes you are right. It might even be fair to say that pro Kenwright Everton fans, are just happy we are not worse off and just want better performances on the pitch.
Be careful what you wish for... Risdale, Ashley, Pompey Fiasco, Sh1ttingwatra, etc etc etc

I don't want an arab takeover, never have, never will.

But i'm starting to think that DaveK has a point. We need to raise funds, not beg or ask for them.

Bill is doing what the BBC, Sky, etc do all the time. Make 'what they want' actually seem like 'you want it as well', and that there are no other options....

Someone needs to force Kenwrights hand or nothing will change.....

If you do not want an Arab, who do you want?

i cant speak for anybody else, i want someone who is either;

1) financially able to take the club forward
2) someone who can attract the right kind of investment to the club,WITHOUT, lying/misleading the supporters

not much to ask really,b)
If you do not want an Arab, who do you want?

A first class economist who loves the club and could turn us into a good business.

Do you have any suggestions Robert? I'm not here to knock you or have a go. Great minds discuss ideas.
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