Moyes linked with Villa and Spurs

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Hughes would do well there. Fulham finished just behind us this season and his sides are always hard to beat. Villa and Everton two great teams in English football.
Houllier has just stepped down as manager of Aston Villa - Sky News Breaking News

there will be some on here who wont bother opening the thread:lol::lol:
Let's deal in ifs and but's,not facts.
If the Villa job was as good as you make it out to be Moyes would be knocking down Lerners door to sign up.
The ss randy Lerner is sinking fast and the rats are scurrying down the mooring lines as you read this post.:lol:
Let's deal in ifs and but's,not facts.
If the Villa job was as good as you make it out to be Moyes would be knocking down Lerners door to sign up.
The ss randy Lerner is sinking fast and the rats are scurrying down the mooring lines as you read this post.:lol:


To stop them going bankrupt!

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