Moyes linked with Villa and Spurs

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Mr Damon I know your type, the one who thinks he knows every little detail of every little thing and refuses to accept another persons point of view. Due to another person having a different point of view you feel you have to continually repeat your point usually aided by capital letters or bold text in the hope that it will make people listen more.

Good post mate.
Mr Damon I know your type, the one who thinks he knows every little detail of every little thing and refuses to accept another persons point of view. Due to another person having a different point of view you feel you have to continually repeat your point usually aided by capital letters or bold text in the hope that it will make people listen more. Thank you for your warm welcome though, just because we have a different opinion doesn't mean you can speak down on us. The whole point of a discussion is for people have different point of views.

Anyways... There may be some good news for you lot tomorrow, it appears Lerner wants his number one target from last summer Mark Hughes again and co-incendentally his contract ends tomorrow. He would probably have been our manager last season had he not took the Fulham job a week before O'Neill walked out on us.

If this is the case I wish you and Moyes all the best this season and hopefully we both have a good battle trying to get back into Europe ;)

Lets be honest.. You've lurked these forums for awhile.. Spot on with that.
Mr Damon I know your type, the one who thinks he knows every little detail of every little thing and refuses to accept another persons point of view. Due to another person having a different point of view you feel you have to continually repeat your point usually aided by capital letters or bold text in the hope that it will make people listen more. Thank you for your warm welcome though, just because we have a different opinion doesn't mean you can speak down on us. The whole point of a discussion is for people have different point of views.

Anyways... There may be some good news for you lot tomorrow, it appears Lerner wants his number one target from last summer Mark Hughes again and co-incendentally his contract ends tomorrow. He would probably have been our manager last season had he not took the Fulham job a week before O'Neill walked out on us.

If this is the case I wish you and Moyes all the best this season and hopefully we both have a good battle trying to get back into Europe ;)

Its ok. I know your type as well.

You have to tell them the same thing about 140 million times, before they will accept that they'r in debt.

And have no money to spend.

Oh and you are on about talking down to people. Check your own forums. They all thought it was a given Moyes would go to "the mighty Villa". Its a shame many of yours don't really just how much debt you have and just what it will take to get your loses under control.

That's why you're on here isn't it. Checking on Everton.... *taps nose*


I'll repeat that for you again just incase you missed it:

Its ok. I know your type as well.

You have to tell them the same thing about 140 million times, before they will accept that they're in debt. To the tune of £140million big ones growing at more than £30million big ones every season!

And you have no money to spend
Anyways... There may be some good news for you lot tomorrow, it appears Lerner wants his number one target from last summer Mark Hughes again and co-incendentally his contract ends tomorrow. He would probably have been our manager last season had he not took the Fulham job a week before O'Neill walked out on us.

PS. That just shows you really have delusions to think you had any chance of getting Moyes. When you didn't.

PS. That just shows you really have delusions to think you had any chance of getting Moyes. When you didn't.

Yeah Moyes would never think about leaving Everton, we cater for his every ambition and managerial need !
Can't see him leaving

I think Moyes is loyal to Evertonand Bill Kenwright so he won't go.

Pretty sure he'll see his contract out then move on - he's hinted as much in the past.

really, why are you so bothered about villas debt? we have debts to, and borrow every year to pay them, you whine about lerner, at least he put something into the team, what the hell have our board done?
just let it go now and worry about your own teams problems, because they should be of more concern to you.
really, why are you so bothered about villas debt? we have debts to, and borrow every year to pay them, you whine about lerner, at least he put something into the team, what the hell have our board done?
just let it go now and worry about your own teams problems, because they should be of more concern to you.

That's like saying focus on one thing and ignore every thing else, because it's inconvenient to an agenda (of yours)

No thanks.

And the fact is the scale of the debts and spending is very very relevant. Something you're not prepared to acknowledge.
Matt you still upsetting people. Bravo, at least your consistent.
no, its saying that your not looking at the big picture and are in danger of looking a fool. we know villa have financial problems, how much? i neither know nor care, we have them , of that, i do care. the difference? villa spent on improving the team(badly ,yes).we have them without seeing ANY progress. my point? we are the last ones who should laugh or point at other teams misfortunes.

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