January Transfer Window 2023

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Not waste 5 days on something that takes a one day would be a start

Not the clubs fault he didn't sign, but wasted a lot of time on that one transfer, look at us now, couple of days to go and nothing.
Yes, we all know how long it takes to get any deal completed with us. So getting it 98% done and for him to be in the building doing photo shoots and giving quotes to Sky and then not over the line for any reason, it has to at least in part be on the club.

Che Adams is alright would have taken him ahead of Mauapy in the summer at least he's mobile and can play the lone striker. We need a winger too
Christ mate, the Saints fans would give him to you for nowt, he's in horrible form. I've defended him in the past as he's more link-up than striker, but he's smelling the place out at St Marys presently.

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