Holgate Racially Abused By Firmino - The Guardian

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If the stuff that I got upto at 15 was unearthed I would be facing a decent stretch in prison

By todays standards, me too.

Literally got caught sawing (late 80s) 40 12 bore cartridges and packing contents into a pipe just to replicate a Rambo weapon! I’d be terrorist if done now, just got a good bawling from the sergeant. Two weeks later a contingent of state security personal stopped at the parents Hotel, there in support of Royal Visit ( Anne I think), oh how they laughed at my expense...
If you're automatic response to this incident is to try and discredit the accuser or use the phrase, "played the race card" because you support the team the accused plays for, then you're a bad snide with racist tendencies.
To be honest I'm not a huge fan of some of the politically correct nonsense, often used by individuals to deflect people from real issues in society. The protests in the NFL are particularly ridiculous, considering the fact many of these African American players, have committed horrific crimes against their community such as raping young Black women. The recent phony Hollywood protests, often done by people who were close friends of the accused, is yet another sign or moral hypocrisy in these times. However the use comments made by Holgate when he was 15, at a time when most people including myself at that age would of used homophobic language is ridiculous. Just look at the inbetweeners. some of the jokes they made would never get to TV now. However, there's no reason why Holgate would risk sending off, by putting his hands of the referee, plus the referee not punishing him unless he was racially abused. The referee wouldn't of told the 4th official, if he hadn't heard something serious. Holgate has no motive to lie about what was said to him. Most premier league players, unlike the players who play in the NFL are just normal decent people (RS players aside). Holgate is just a normal lad, who believes he should be able to play football, without being racially abused by RS players and their moronic fans.

It's really not good, mate. Things that people type on the Internet before they've even left school shouldn't be used to judge their character in ten years time.


And the scary thing is it is not the authorities digging this dirt up.

They don't have to.

It is obsessive little nobodies feeling empowered by the anonymity of the internet and turning informer on their neighbour.

The "Man" creates the environment and the brainwashed rush to become his eyes and ears.

All very Berlin and Munich circa 1936.

It is just disgraceful what young Mason is being subjected to by fat slobs like Martin Samuel.

And our club's reaction, or lack thereof, has really angered me.
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To be honest I'm not a huge fan of some of the politically correct nonsense, often used by individuals to deflect people from real issues in society. The protests in the NFL are particularly ridiculous, considering the fact many of these African American players, have committed horrific crimes against their community such as raping young Black women. The recent phony Hollywood protests, often done by people who were close friends of the accused, is yet another sign or moral hypocrisy in these times. However the use comments made by Holgate when he was 15, at a time when most people including myself at that age would of used homophobic language is ridiculous. Just look at the inbetweeners. some of the jokes they made would never get to TV now. However, there's no reason why Holgate would risk sending off, by putting his hands of the referee, plus the referee not punishing him unless he was racially abused. The referee wouldn't of told the 4th official, if he hadn't heard something serious. Holgate has no motive to lie about what was said to him. Most premier league players, unlike the players who play in the NFL are just normal decent people (RS players aside). Holgate is just a normal lad, who believes he should be able to play football, without being racially abused by RS players and their moronic fans.

Oops. Hasta la vista. :bye:
Well, you have to hand it to them. They are dirty and know how to deflect blame away from their players. What Holgate said was wrong, but it would be irresponsible to take the tweet out of context and not take into account that he was 15 years old.

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