GOT World Exclusive - video footage of the Lille police incident - CONTAINS BAD LANGUAGE

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No bottles were thrown until the police in civilian clothes aggressively made an entrance.
That doesn't mean start throwing bottles. Thats giving them the obvious ability to kick off, when these videos go on line thats the only thing people see. It makes us look bad. I don't know any evertonian who would ' just kick off', i know a few lids that get wired go the match and use that as an excuse to socialise, and they are ( in my opinion) a minority but in situations like this where we're representing our club and to a very lesser extend England, our lack of European experience shows..

I dont think for one minute the Police are not to blame, there is historic evidence that they are tits. I'm just saying with visual evidence like that, it makes us look bad, when i know we're exactly the opposite.
Feel free to use photo's , but this incident also needs highlighting. This 'homeless' guy was let walk free after brandishing a blade willfully. After local police made aware, they simply took the knife off him and sent him on his way. This was also in front of kids. When questioned the police, their response was that knife laws are different in France to UK.


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Just got back to England and still scratching my head as to what the hell went on. Me and my lad were stood near where the balcony was with all the flags. All of a sudden about 10 guys carrying batons ran behind us towards the left side of the square as you looked from the balcony.

I had no idea they were police at this point but I did think they probably were as they were carrying batons and looked like they were chasing someone. Then some lads started throwing green bottles at them and starting to smell trouble we backed off to the other side of the square, as most others were doing.

Very quickly afterwards, tear gas was fired and the wind was blowing it towards us, so we went down a side street to avoid it as it was bloody awful stuff. We came back around to the opposite side to where the trouble started (far right) whilst hearing two very loud bangs (I now assume were rubber bullets being fired). We then saw a guy about 50 who must have a bottle in the head, big gash right in the centre of his forehead. We then saw riot police move in and thought the day was ruined.

A few more bottles were thrown, followed by a bit of a stand-off then it very quickly calmed down and we went back to where it all started by the balcony, went to the supermarket for some ale (as this rude sod charged me 8Euro for a pint) and the party was back on again.

In my opinion, with the events from Wednesday night, the police messed up and quite frankly I got the feeling they just did not want us there but the bars were very happy to take our money.

What support we have, magnificent. Up the toffees.
That doesn't mean start throwing bottles. Thats giving them the obvious ability to kick off, when these videos go on line thats the only thing people see. It makes us look bad. I don't know any evertonian who would ' just kick off', i know a few lids that get wired go the match and use that as an excuse to socialise, and they are ( in my opinion) a minority but in situations like this where we're representing our club and to a very lesser extend England, our lack of European experience shows..

I dont think for one minute the Police are not to blame, there is historic evidence that they are tits. I'm just saying with visual evidence like that, it makes us look bad, when i know we're exactly the opposite.
Yes, I agree with that. They should not be throwing bottles.
This is borderline entrapment. It is certainly inciting violence. The French police are cowards and should be ashamed of themselves.

GOT is proving invaluable here at getting a clear picture of what happened. It seems as though the vast majority of our fans were the first to walk away from any trouble, there was condemnation of the actions of a few knobheads by other fans and the situation calmed down quickly with no further incidents or any hint of retaliation, demonstrating to me at least that there was no intention to cause any grief in the first place.

I'm really encouraged by the attitude of everyone over there to rise above unwarranted provocation by both Euro ultras (wherever they were from) and confrontational, backward event policing, and getting on with enjoying their time and getting to the match.

I don't care how the BBC or French media spin this, the truth will out, even more so in this age of everyone having cameras and video on 'em as this thread is starting to evidence, the French cops seem to be behind the curve on this. Looking at those photos should be an embarrassment for the French police today.

Proud of our fans, they were a credit to the club, the city and English football.

Well in @GrandOldTeam for getting on this so quickly yesterday and continuing to make sure our good name is up-held.
GOT is proving invaluable here at getting a clear picture of what happened. It seems as though the vast majority of our fans were the first to walk away from any trouble, there was condemnation of the actions of a few knobheads by other fans and the situation calmed down quickly with no further incidents or any hint of retaliation, demonstrating to me at least that there was no intention to cause any grief in the first place.

I'm really encouraged by the attitude of everyone over there to rise above unwarranted provocation by both Euro ultras (wherever they were from) and confrontational, backward event policing, and getting on with enjoying their time and getting to the match.

I don't care how the BBC or French media spin this, the truth will out, even more so in this age of everyone having cameras and video on 'em as this thread is starting to evidence, the French cops seem to be behind the curve on this. Looking at those photos should be an embarrassment for the French police today.

Proud of our fans, they were a credit to the club, the city and English football.

Well in @GrandOldTeam for getting on this so quickly yesterday and continuing to make sure our good name is up-held.

It is clear. Anyone throwing bottles let themselves and the club down. We aren't into blaming anyone else.

However the videos and images show none of that happened until after the non-uniformed police came in

wielding battons
spraying pepper spray
two tear gas cannisters fired.

Then the bottles (isolated to about maybe 20 bottles) got thrown.

Then rubber bullets fired (despite denials yesterday).

It was disproportionate. If they were making arrests they only needed battons maximum. Not a shock and awe campaign.

They only thing thing they didn't throw was a kitchen sink.

No matter how the French police and the local politicians try and portray this they looked inept and no matter what they say and they are trying, everyone can see what happened.

Now. If it happens on Merseyside I will be very disappointed. We win de facto against these idiotic police by being immaculate to the visiting French fans.
If I was the local mayor of Lille I'd be furious.

The amount of money that is being forced out of their local economy by visitors with this sort of thing.

France's economy is in enough trouble it needs trade.

Its so backwards how they've approached this its beyond belief.

I think we should all remember when you see visitors from abroad in Liverpool visiting Goodison. They're spending money and bringing jobs to the local economy.

If I was Joe Anderson I'd be emphasising this constantly to their mayor.

€€€€€ speaks volumes and will change behaviour.

If I was the local mayor of Lille I'd be furious.

The amount of money that is being forced out of their local economy by visitors with this sort of thing.

France's economy is in enough trouble it needs trade.

Its so backwards how they've approached this its beyond belief.

I think we should all remember when you see visitors from abroad in Liverpool visiting Goodison. They're spending money and bringing jobs to the local economy.

If I was Joe Anderson I'd be emphasising this constantly to their mayor.

€€€€€ speaks volumes and will change behaviour.

French police have been notoriously heavy handed and inept. since time began.

It's just the way they operate over there. nothing's going to change now
French police have been notoriously heavy handed and inept. since time began.

It's just the way they operate over there. nothing's going to change now

Considering how broke they are it will.

Plus UEFA is yet to weigh in. It tarnishes the competition seeing fans being battered and gased.
It is clear. Anyone throwing bottles let themselves and the club down. We aren't into blaming anyone else.

However the videos and images show none of that happened until after the non-uniformed police came in

wielding battons
spraying pepper spray
two tear gas cannisters fired.

Then the bottles (isolated to about maybe 20 bottles) got thrown.

Then rubber bullets fired (despite denials yesterday).

It was disproportionate. If they were making arrests they only needed battons maximum. Not a shock and awe campaign.

They only thing thing they didn't throw was a kitchen sink.

No matter how the French police and the local politicians try and portray this they looked inept and no matter what they say and they are trying, everyone can see what happened.

Now. If it happens on Merseyside I will be very disappointed. We win de facto against these idiotic police by being immaculate to the visiting French fans.
I agree, we could do without causing trouble and helping any case they may put forward about our fans being to blame
It is clear. Anyone throwing bottles let themselves and the club down. We aren't into blaming anyone else.

However the videos and images show none of that happened until after the non-uniformed police came in

wielding battons
spraying pepper spray
two tear gas cannisters fired.

Then the bottles (isolated to about maybe 20 bottles) got thrown.

Then rubber bullets fired (despite denials yesterday).

It was disproportionate. If they were making arrests they only needed battons maximum. Not a shock and awe campaign.

They only thing thing they didn't throw was a kitchen sink.

No matter how the French police and the local politicians try and portray this they looked inept and no matter what they say and they are trying, everyone can see what happened.

Now. If it happens on Merseyside I will be very disappointed. We win de facto against these idiotic police by being immaculate to the visiting French fans.

I've said previously but 6 fans throwing bottles is nothing in comparison to what nigh on 10k Blues could have done under those circumstances. I don't car how the media want to spin it, the proof is in photographs of undercover cops ( and I use that term loosely as they look more like yobs ) seem quite happy to do what they did. Trust me, if I was there and a gas cannister or bullet was thrown anywhere near my son and it hit him I would absolutely lose the plot and would struggle to be as calm as all our fantastic fans were. Absolutely impeccable behaviour from 99.9% who should be commended. There's photographs if anyone hasn't seen o page of this thread of a 70 year old man and a 14 year old kid with injuries and tbh as a Father and a Blue it absolutely sickens me to the stomach to see that.

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