Farhad Moshiri

7+ Years On... Your Verdict On Farhad Moshiri

  • Pleased

    Votes: 109 7.9%
  • Disappointed

    Votes: 1,275 92.1%

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….there appears certain players he probably brought in that are worth of criticism (Klaassen etc), but outwith transfers I think he was a real diplomat.

He worked WITH managers to varying degree. Apparently very close with Silva, less so with Ancelotti but acquired the players he wanted and recommended the odd one (Doucoure). Basically, he attempted to get the players identified by Managers & wouldn’t bring in his own unless endorsed by the Manager.

Behind the scenes, I know he was liked and more importantly respected. Liked and respected by players, liked and respected by the Moshiri & Kenwright factions. it was still a madhouse but his diplomacy kept the ship afloat. Benitez refused to pick up the phone when Brands called.

It’s no coincidence the place has gone downhill since Benitez came in & Brands went out. I know certain things about Benitez at FF but this is just my assessment.
To imply Benitez began the utter shambles since Moshiri bought the club is incredible. He is an easy target but he was just another fall guy in years of decline.

It accelerated under Benitez
Benitez showed how out of touch the board (well, owner) was, and it epitomised a long list of absolutely baffling decision-making since he's been at the club.

He might be worth over a billion, but you'd find had more common sense from one of my turds. It should have never, ever happened.
There must be some buyers out there if Todd Boehly is right (and the way he’s spending money he must believe what he is saying is true) - that the TV deals being struck are only scratching the surface and that there’s so much money to be earned comparable to other US based sports. I can only imagine he wants every penny of his investment back if he was to sell lock stock so he is willing to sell a % and a seat on the board with a view to growing the business. In the meantime if Dyche does a good job it wouldn’t surprise me if Pickford and Onana are next on the list to sell.
To imply Benitez began the utter shambles since Moshiri bought the club is incredible. He is an easy target but he was just another fall guy in years of decline.

….I never said Benitez ‘BEGAN’ the shambles. If you read my posts I said it was already a ‘mad house’ but the ‘mad house’ finally fell apart with the Benitez appointment. As well as being a lousy coach, he caused conflict throughout the club off the pitch.

His refusal to work with and even pick up the phone to Brands could be the key component because Brands had the skill of a diplomat to keep all the disparate parts of the mad house together.

….I never said Benitez ‘BEGAN’ the shambles. If you read my posts I said it was already a ‘mad house’ but the ‘mad house’ finally fell apart with the Benitez appointment. As well as being a lousy coach, he caused conflict throughout the club off the pitch.

His refusal to work with and even pick up the phone to Brands could be the key component because Brands had the skill of a diplomat to keep all the disparate parts of the mad house together.
Down the track, in dribs and drabs, it'll all come out - it always does
….I never said Benitez ‘BEGAN’ the shambles. If you read my posts I said it was already a ‘mad house’ but the ‘mad house’ finally fell apart with the Benitez appointment. As well as being a lousy coach, he caused conflict throughout the club off the pitch.

His refusal to work with and even pick up the phone to Brands could be the key component because Brands had the skill of a diplomat to keep all the disparate parts of the mad house together.
how do you know that?
….I never said Benitez ‘BEGAN’ the shambles. If you read my posts I said it was already a ‘mad house’ but the ‘mad house’ finally fell apart with the Benitez appointment. As well as being a lousy coach, he caused conflict throughout the club off the pitch.

His refusal to work with and even pick up the phone to Brands could be the key component because Brands had the skill of a diplomat to keep all the disparate parts of the mad house together.
If Mr Benitez refused to work with Brands he was right, Brands needed to be ran out of town, credit to Rafael to doing it

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