Elstone's response to the pressure

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Al this means is Elstone is annoyed which probably means and my mates are doing something right. Interesting the only real detail he goes into is about the fans forum.
IF what he's saying is true, it must really get on his tits trying to debunk the conspiracy theorists all the time.

It isn't whether it's true or not thats the issue. Some is, some blatantly isn't. It's the tone.

Any PR person would have understood that the frustrated fanbase would need an understanding, probably light-hearted but passionate response reassuring Evertonians.

However, Elstone, almost unbelievably, has attacked Evertonians and basically labelled them as stupid. He even uses bolded words ffs. ^^ The tone is like he's telling off children!

So egotistical. This is why people in public positions need agents and managers to stop them doing stupid things.

In fact, I might rewrite that statement in my spare time and send it to Mr. Elstone so he can pick up a few tips.
Staying competitive and improving your squad involves signing new players,we haven't done that for two seasons now and whichever way you dress it, that is not good enough, that is the problem and saying there is investment in the academy is all well and good but every club does that and the whole Finch farm thing, what do fans care about that? do season ticket holders get to use the facilities or something? Why should we care about pampered footballers getting even more comfort. Ridiculous statements from Mr Elstone i'm afraid.

I wonder if there's a record for the longest that one club has gone without signing anyone. We must be looking good for it.
Honestly though, does Elstone REALLY believe this will result in anything other than a negative?

We either employee PR types with the talent of your average wooden spoon, or this has come direct from Elstone and he's, quite literally, the biggest idiot ever to grace Goodison.

Either way, it's pure facepalm stuff.

To be fair...I do like Elstone's demeanor...he's a likable chap and I do think he knows what he's doing.. I like that he's tried to modernise Everton and has sorted us out with a better kit maker/advertising/UK marketting etc which is a million times better than anything Wyness ever did. He also wasnt afraid of doing his blog, openly talking about Kirkby etc etc...it felt fresh to me.

BUT I'd say..its not HIM..its the company he works for that makes him come out saying this stuff trying to cover his and his bosses arse. Essentially he is a puppet which is understandable as he does have an employer.

If you're stuck in a **** job that doesnt want to expand then you can only do so much. That maybe the case with him.

Or Im talking ****e lol
It isn't whether it's true or not thats the issue. Some is, some blatantly isn't. It's the tone.

Any PR person would have understood that the frustrated fanbase would need an understanding, probably light-hearted but passionate response reassuring Evertonians.

However, Elstone, almost unbelievably, has attacked Evertonians and basically labelled them as stupid. He even uses bolded words ffs. ^^ The tone is like he's telling off children!

So egotistical. This is why people in public positions need agents and managers to stop them doing stupid things.

In fact, I might rewrite that statement in my spare time and send it to Mr. Elstone so he can pick up a few tips.

I agree. He's addressed it to the Davek's of the world. Elementary mistake which will [Poor language removed] regular fans.

A wise man once advised me "Never prod the angry bear...."

He hasn't prodded it here, he's poked it in the eye and stubbed it's toe.
A wise man once advised me "Never prod the angry bear...."

He hasn't prodded it here, he's poked it in the eye and stubbed it's toe.


What a [Poor language removed].
love the "We communicate" bit!

agm next week! oh hold on!

just goes to show how out of touch our club/board is!

*why cant i get the hills have eyes out of my head!!!!
Only just read this, ironic how its put how he communicates with the fans as from reading this I rather they didn't the tone is absolutely unprofessional.

Can i just remind you all, Elstone by trade is an accountant.
Ive had a good read of that blog.

I'm still none the clearer as to what we are up this summer.

All he had to say was 'I understand the fans frustrations, but we're ok. There will/won't be players in'.


Smithy for CEO.
First off I want to say, I don’t often post here, but come here often to read the banter back and forth. It makes me feel like I’m back home in the Aintree pub. Someone said that Everton is a business, and only has to report to their shareholders. Well any successful business takes care of its customers first, everything else falls into place. Everton’s product is their on the pitch, if it is poor and inadequate then we as customers have every right to demand better. You would do no less if it were a play station we were talking about, but we aren’t talking about a physical item. We are talking about a club that you supported as a child, maybe even dreamt of playing for. They should be held accountable to an even higher standard. How many players have worn the Everton blue jersey and didn’t live up to our charter “ nil statis nisi optimum“ and were run out of town. As far as I can see they haven’t changed it to “tantum vilis” only the cheapest. Mr. Elstone should remember the board and Chairman still market nothing but the best, then I believe they should be held accountable to the same standards as our players. The least we should get them on is false advertising. Just my two cents worth.

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