Discussion & help on depression & mental health related issues

I need people's advice on anger management. I need to no if I find the courage to actually try and change myself for the better will it change me and make me a nicer better person. I don't have a lot of money. I'm a truck driver based in Telford but I need to change or I'm just a waiting heart attack. I'm a nice person underneath but I just flip and for some reason it's 9/10 times when I'm driving.
But I no its not the wrong job for me as I enjoy my job but I just flip and think I am the best driver beeping my horn and shout.

To be honest, I thought the same about myself and called into my local Mind and asked the girls in there if I could see someone about anger management. Went in and had an informal chat with the therapist there and she said it wasn’t for me and there could be underlying issues that cause a build up of emotion which I didn’t deal with. She explained how there most common attendees for anger management were for people who are often angry and violent as a means of control or lack of discipline growing up etc. I’m not sure if it applies to you - if there’s anything under the surface it can come out. I ended up booked in with a counsellor for a few sessions without charge.

I have attended anger management many many years ago following a referral due to alleged behaviour problems at school and teachers exaggerating my ADHD at the time. (It was actually anxiety and stress manifested as irritation and lack of effort so no thanks from me). It will teach things like counting to 10 before you speak and leaving the room or place of anger to cool down etc. Also thinking of an event or time or place you felt calm and feeling the feeling and focusing on it to get out of the ‘red room’ of anger.

Basically just think about if there’s anything ‘causing’ or ‘contributing’ but Mind were excellent in helping me understand myself.

Cant stress how much difference it makes having no insta/twitter/fb

Reccomend to anyone ive mentiond a few times but it helps 10 fold

I also dont watch the news as some one mentioned, dont watch any negative tele tbh
I've mentioned it quite a bit too, people will probably get sick of me saying it, I know it's not going to solve everyone's problems but I do know a lot of people whose lives improved quickly (matter of days) after they hit the delete button.
Have jibbed the news a lot myself lately. My counsellor pointed out that stressing about things you have absolutely no power to alter can (and did) drive you crackers. Have never done Facebook so can't comment but Twitter can be compulsive so that got binned sharpish. Too many have their heads down looking at phones waiting for recognition of posts. If the recognition is negative it can lead to suffering.
Still not feeling particulary great, been stuck in a funk all day and I'm worried it will carry with me going into next week.

Last night i had some bad thoughts for the first time in a while, like proper "what if I wasn't here anymore?" type of thoughts. They didn't last very long but it's still a horrible thought to have in your head and I don't want that becoming a regular thing like it was a few years back. Never said it to anyone I was with and sensibly made the decision to go home early but I remember sitting there amongst everyone having a good time thinking those thoughts, asking myself over and over "is it all really worth it? I've had enough of things the way they are".

Hopefully it's just a blip and i get back to feeling fine soon but right now I'm stuck in a really low mindset.
Cant stress how much difference it makes having no insta/twitter/fb

Reccomend to anyone ive mentiond a few times but it helps 10 fold

I also dont watch the news as some one mentioned, dont watch any negative tele tbh
I came on here to make exactly the same point after watching Joe Rogan talk about social media. Social media should really be referred to as anti social media. All it largely is mostly, is unpleasant people being unpleasant to other unpleasant individuals. How many times do you see young people wandering round in a daze looking at their phone, not even paying attention to the world in general. The problem is that social media portrays a extreme binary view of the world, where there's good guys and bad guys and nothing in the middle. People are actually murdered related to things said on facebook, which surely says it's not always a good thing to be connected with people. Social media also allows people to pretend they live a lifestyle they simply don't live. Which means that other people feel bad about their lives. Also the news is just as bad, portraying a completely false picture or reality, or at least only focusing on a negative reality. You'd believe Everton fans wanted Silva out, if you looked on social media.

I need people's advice on anger management. I need to no if I find the courage to actually try and change myself for the better will it change me and make me a nicer better person. I don't have a lot of money. I'm a truck driver based in Telford but I need to change or I'm just a waiting heart attack. I'm a nice person underneath but I just flip and for some reason it's 9/10 times when I'm driving.
But I no its not the wrong job for me as I enjoy my job but I just flip and think I am the best driver beeping my horn and shout.
Nothing is so strong as gentleness
Nothing so gentle as real strength

Sitting Bull
Cant stress how much difference it makes having no insta/twitter/fb

Reccomend to anyone ive mentiond a few times but it helps 10 fold

I also dont watch the news as some one mentioned, dont watch any negative tele tbh
Same mate, got rid of the lot, Also stopped watching Soaps years ago too...East Enders was like injecting depression directly into the cortex.
Been clean of Twitter, FB, for at least 5 years and although I miss hearing / seeing about my friends dinners or babies first christmas's...
It is just so freeing.
Watched this fella a while ago, talks the truth tbf....although its really about a different generation than me, he still makes alot of sense on a human level.
