Discussion & help on depression & mental health related issues

just a little update from me

the boy is 4 months old now, most nights he sleeps from 9pm-6am, me and the wife are living the life!, the little man now brings nothing but happiness, smiles and cuddles

I am even in bed most nights a week now unless there is a reason I need to sleep on the couch (up stupidly early or whatever)

I also, for anyone who remembers the fact I stopped speaking to my whole family, got back in touch with my brother, (we didn't have a problem but I think he sided with my ma who he lives with for an easy life) i messaged him not long after the boy was born, and he decided that going against her was totally worth it, so I know have back my life, my marriage, and my brother......good times at the minute

sorry to post too much good news, don't wanna make anyone feel bad, but to put in context, ive had nothing but misery for like 18 months, so I feel like shouting now!!
That's fab x
Never seen the attraction of goin on holiday with friends?:Blink:

Even if your a loner surely you can see the atrraction, some of the best times of my life have been on holidays with my friends
I meant like a lads holiday not your a normal one. I meant like Magaluf and Zante, just endless drinking and never actually seeing anything other than the bars. I don't mind having bevvies in the night, but not bevvying from like 12pm to 4am. I've known a lot of friendships that have been destroyed by them going away together. I like a bevvy as much as the next man, just not downing vodka so you pass out.
I meant like a lads holiday not your a normal one. I meant like Magaluf and Zante, just endless drinking and never actually seeing anything other than the bars. I don't mind having bevvies in the night, but not bevvying from like 12pm to 4am. I've known a lot of friendships that have been destroyed by them going away together. I like a bevvy as much as the next man, just not downing vodka so you pass out.
Ahhh were different then haha
Honestly this is the best part of the forum I think. There is positivity and occasional happiness.

The bad thing is if you step in the football forum side there is nothing but putrid hate against so much. This sport should help and be enjoyed, but so many other people poison themselves with over the top hatred.

Anyway so happy I can read some good positive people here to help me grow as well.

Honestly this is the best part of the forum I think. There is positivity and occasional happiness.

The bad thing is if you step in the football forum side there is nothing but putrid hate against so much. This sport should help and be enjoyed, but so many other people poison themselves with over the top hatred.

Anyway so happy I can read some good positive people here to help me grow as well.

A lot of the stuff in the football forum is just wummery mate and not meant to be taken seriously.
I want to offer a couple of tips that helped me reduce daily stress that can lead to anxiety and depression.

#1 - STOP watching any TV news. No local news, national news as well as reading newspapers. The negativity DAILY from TV news added a lot to my stress and it might be doing that to some of you. Even though I like to be an informed person, I stopped watching news about 8 years ago. Instead, once a day, I pick a few news articles online to read.

#2 - AVOID/STOP social media. Recently, I've cut down on Facebook from logging in several times a day to logging in once every 2-4 days for 30 mins. And I feel so much better!

And NO, I don't mean avoid GOT. lol
I want to offer a couple of tips that helped me reduce daily stress that can lead to anxiety and depression.

#1 - STOP watching any TV news. No local news, national news as well as reading newspapers. The negativity DAILY from TV news added a lot to my stress and it might be doing that to some of you. Even though I like to be an informed person, I stopped watching news about 8 years ago. Instead, once a day, I pick a few news articles online to read.

#2 - AVOID/STOP social media. Recently, I've cut down on Facebook from logging in several times a day to logging in once every 2-4 days for 30 mins. And I feel so much better!

And NO, I don't mean avoid GOT. lol
I can confirm #2 I deleted FB and Twitter on tge 13th of October last year and I've never felt better. I'll always remember that date as its my grandads anniversary and I went along to his grave with my then 1.5 year old while I was sitting there it dawned on me that I had a 1.5 year old who I won't say I ignored but certainly missed parts of his life due to social media and the anxiety it caused me, the first thing I did when I got home was get rid of all my social media and the improvement in my life was apparent within a few days. I now have a 2.5 year old and a 10 day old who are all asleep with my wife as I type. These days I allow myself 15-20 minutes over a day on this site and other Everton related news sites other than this and viber or Watts app messages never really use the Internet. I'd advise anyone to get their face out of your phone or tablet and get outside and and just look at things there is so much beauty in the world and people are missing it due to computer games and Internet.

Hi mate, one of my oldest friends is a very experienced Barrister, who specialises in Family Law.

Although she’s based in London, I’m sure she would be willing to give you advice pro bono.

Please PM me if you’d like any help.
Thanks mate. I move into a bedsit as of tomorrow. Then I'll be seeing what happens long term.
Tell her to F off! Do you own the house - is it in joint names? If you do have it in joint names without any kind of restrictions then a 50/50 split is assumed for the property. You need to seek advice on why she feels she is entitled to 65/35 in her favour. It sounds like she has just made that figure up. You also need to find out whether she can take your daughter away for holidays without your express permission. Making you move out in such a short space of time is unfair and cruel. She's bullying you. The minute you leave the house you have handed over control of your daughter to your wife. So she has all the stuff and the child. Don't leave until you have an agreement about co-parenting.
I move into a bedsit tomorrow. I'm sure this a huge mistake but I literally have no choice. The house has 17 years left on mortgage with £50000 equity.
I need people's advice on anger management. I need to no if I find the courage to actually try and change myself for the better will it change me and make me a nicer better person. I don't have a lot of money. I'm a truck driver based in Telford but I need to change or I'm just a waiting heart attack. I'm a nice person underneath but I just flip and for some reason it's 9/10 times when I'm driving.
But I no its not the wrong job for me as I enjoy my job but I just flip and think I am the best driver beeping my horn and shout.
Not feeling good right now. Went out tonight for a few drinks but kind of had a depressing night. Got told some news that I kind of knew anyway but hearing it said confirmed out loud upset me more than I thought it would. Really putt me on a downer.

Went out to a club afterward but just couldn't get in the mood, shared some drunk talk with other people but couldn't pull myself out of my funk so I've called it a night early and gone home. Hope this doesn't really set me back.
Not feeling good right now. Went out tonight for a few drinks but kind of had a depressing night. Got told some news that I kind of knew anyway but hearing it said confirmed out loud upset me more than I thought it would. Really putt me on a downer.

Went out to a club afterward but just couldn't get in the mood, shared some drunk talk with other people but couldn't pull myself out of my funk so I've called it a night early and gone home. Hope this doesn't really set me back.
Try not to let it get you down mate whatever it was. That's the advice I got here. If its something out of your control then there's nothing you can do really only try stay positive. And I know that's not easy. But time always helps
