Discussion & help on depression & mental health related issues

apologies to those I was chatting with on thurs. was having one of my down days and ended up getting really drunk. did upset a few family members so hope I didn't offend anyone on here.

Nothing to report from mod central mate, so all good. Enjoy the weekend.
Article just now on Radio 4's Woman's Hour (don't snigger) about Mindfulness and its use as a therapeutic approach to depression. Although the article is quite brief, it includes interviews with depression sufferers who have been successfully treated using this method. It's relatively cheap, less invasive than drugs and can be obtained via the NHS in some areas. Whilst the piece was going out one cynic tweeted that Mindfulness is simply 'secularised Bhuddism' which might be true but I can't argue with the sufferers - one of whom was an MP - who were convinced that the approach helped them.

Mindfulness is simply a way of training your mind to break free of the negative thinking cycle that can tip you into depression. It uses meditation and breathing exercises. Take a look http://bemindful.co.uk/mbct/experience-mbct/
The gf went to mindfulness earlier this year, loved it and said she might go back if she ever feels like that again (she had anxiety attacks).

Anyway, right now I feel super anxious and down as well, but I have work to do that I've been putting off for a while, and that makes me even more like that...
That is all.
slightly off topic but was having a discussion over facebooks buy out of oculus Virtual Reality, their was an article which said with FB addictive as it is if Zuckerberg invests big in VR and down the years it is very realistic and hits off wonder would that make even more of the population suffer depression at some stage or actually help them?

its interesting if you could escape into your own 'virtual reality' would everyone be happier or would it only make you more down about our 'real' world and how imperfect it is?

slightly off topic but was having a discussion over facebooks buy out of oculus Virtual Reality, their was an article which said with FB addictive as it is if Zuckerberg invests big in VR and down the years it is very realistic and hits off wonder would that make even more of the population suffer depression at some stage or actually help them?

its interesting if you could escape into your own 'virtual reality' would everyone be happier or would it only make you more down about our 'real' world and how imperfect it is?
IMO slip deeper mate.
Certainly for me as a cynical and negative person, I slipped into depression as I selectively saw the worst and the flaws in this world. I would have an alright day, but then something small would happen and I would amplify it into this massive bad thing which would ruin my day. This kind of kept on going, day after day and week after week for about a year until I realised I was all wrong about life.
So for me, and I'm sure for some others too, having something perfect to compare the clearly flawed but still wonderful life would only amplify this imperfection and make me sink deeper.
For anyone reading this, the change in my life came from
1: Realising that something was wrong
2: Talking to people I could trust about it
3: Making a conscious choice to everyday change how I was thinking about things, highlighting and enjoying the little moments that help you get through life, and doing this with the people that I trusted.
So I really encourage people to just talk, because its the first step.
The gf went to mindfulness earlier this year, loved it and said she might go back if she ever feels like that again (she had anxiety attacks).

Anyway, right now I feel super anxious and down as well, but I have work to do that I've been putting off for a while, and that makes me even more like that...
That is all.

Well worth a try mate I am currently undergoing a program of Mindfulness

Once the techniques are learnt it is important to keep at it as part of your lifestyle otherwise your depression could reappear

Would recommend

The Mindful Way Through Depression: Freeing Yourself from Chronic Unhappiness

Make sure you get the cd

Link below

are those books/cds any good ? been having more problems recently and I already finished a set of counselling sessions which they wont give me more of and i think i need to do something, ya know
Funny little story to tell from this afternoon:

Went to go watch my old football team today, was going to have to go myself and it's a half hour drive. I haven't been anywhere further than work by myself for months. Was getting panicky thinking about it, shaking hands, short breathing etc, but I managed to get the whole way there and enjoy a day out in the sun watching my team. I wish I still played but I don't have the confidence (yet hopefully).

Anyways, the ref was having a 'mare. We started getting the upper hand, but couldn't extend the lead because he kept blowing our forward up for offside, 3 times in 5 minutes, quite clearly on every time, the last one by over 5 yards. He's getting berated my the supporters on the sideline and packs a huge wobbly when he hears me tell our forward he was good by 5 yards at least.

Comes over to me and yells "Alright smart arse, you wanna f'ing ref it?" and throws the whistle at me. I'm just about losing it at this point, so I catch the whistle and say "no bother, I'll show you how it's done!" He even tried to drop a shoulder on me and missed me ffs!

So I ref the last 15 mins of the game in hi-tops and jeans, and don't hear a single complaint until the final whistle when he's standing there on the sideline berating me some more, to which I just smiled at him. He made himself look a complete tit.

Can't believe I managed to do it, I wasn't going to back down though, the old confident, up for anything Elong came out of his shell. I'm still shaking an hour later typing this, so nerve wrecking, but it felt so good. My old team mates were absolutely loving it by the way!
Funny little story to tell from this afternoon:

Went to go watch my old football team today, was going to have to go myself and it's a half hour drive. I haven't been anywhere further than work by myself for months. Was getting panicky thinking about it, shaking hands, short breathing etc, but I managed to get the whole way there and enjoy a day out in the sun watching my team. I wish I still played but I don't have the confidence (yet hopefully).

Anyways, the ref was having a 'mare. We started getting the upper hand, but couldn't extend the lead because he kept blowing our forward up for offside, 3 times in 5 minutes, quite clearly on every time, the last one by over 5 yards. He's getting berated my the supporters on the sideline and packs a huge wobbly when he hears me tell our forward he was good by 5 yards at least.

Comes over to me and yells "Alright smart arse, you wanna f'ing ref it?" and throws the whistle at me. I'm just about losing it at this point, so I catch the whistle and say "no bother, I'll show you how it's done!" He even tried to drop a shoulder on me and missed me ffs!

So I ref the last 15 mins of the game in hi-tops and jeans, and don't hear a single complaint until the final whistle when he's standing there on the sideline berating me some more, to which I just smiled at him. He made himself look a complete tit.

Can't believe I managed to do it, I wasn't going to back down though, the old confident, up for anything Elong came out of his shell. I'm still shaking an hour later typing this, so nerve wrecking, but it felt so good. My old team mates were absolutely loving it by the way!
Well in lad :D

Effort !!!!

Cheers and thanks for the rep. I've suffered from anxiety issues and depression for over 5 months now, probably longer but that's when I went to the Doc.

Still laughing at how much of a baby a grown man was!

No chance !!! In your case and for others that suffer these conditions, there is no such thing mate.

What you did today was a massive step for you and i applaud that. Great for your confidence and self esteem that was and thats why you're shaking and buzzing. Nice one lad ! Progress, just keep making progress and take all the time you need.

Again well in today. Especially showing that tit up ;)
No chance !!! In your case and for others that suffer these conditions, there is no such thing mate.

What you did today was a massive step for you and i applaud that. Great for your confidence and self esteem that was and thats why you're shaking and buzzing. Nice one lad ! Progress, just keep making progress and take all the time you need.

Again well in today. Especially showing that tit up ;)

Haha, I meant the other guy being the baby, not me haha, but yeah I guess the sentence applies to us both!!

My mate said to me something like "you showed everyone at this ground how big of an idiot that guy was, he was expecting you to drop nuts and throw the whistle back, loads of respect from everyone else to you for that". Meant heaps.
