Discussion & help on depression & mental health related issues

Funny little story to tell from this afternoon:

Went to go watch my old football team today, was going to have to go myself and it's a half hour drive. I haven't been anywhere further than work by myself for months. Was getting panicky thinking about it, shaking hands, short breathing etc, but I managed to get the whole way there and enjoy a day out in the sun watching my team. I wish I still played but I don't have the confidence (yet hopefully).

Anyways, the ref was having a 'mare. We started getting the upper hand, but couldn't extend the lead because he kept blowing our forward up for offside, 3 times in 5 minutes, quite clearly on every time, the last one by over 5 yards. He's getting berated my the supporters on the sideline and packs a huge wobbly when he hears me tell our forward he was good by 5 yards at least.

Comes over to me and yells "Alright smart arse, you wanna f'ing ref it?" and throws the whistle at me. I'm just about losing it at this point, so I catch the whistle and say "no bother, I'll show you how it's done!" He even tried to drop a shoulder on me and missed me ffs!

So I ref the last 15 mins of the game in hi-tops and jeans, and don't hear a single complaint until the final whistle when he's standing there on the sideline berating me some more, to which I just smiled at him. He made himself look a complete tit.

Can't believe I managed to do it, I wasn't going to back down though, the old confident, up for anything Elong came out of his shell. I'm still shaking an hour later typing this, so nerve wrecking, but it felt so good. My old team mates were absolutely loving it by the way!

Ha ha well in mate, good stuff.
I've had problems with mental health in the past 18 months or so, wouldn't wish it upon my worst enemy.

My problem was that I lost touch with my social circle so I slowly started to feel more and more fed up with myself and lost a sense of direction in life. You beat yourself up, you tell yourself it won't ever get better and that you're not good enough to be anymore than how you currently feel you are. It's a horrible state of mind, you have to go to bed with it and it's there waiting for you the minute you wake up. It can drive a person around the bend so much emotionally that sadly, like in the case of Gary Speed, they end up taking action with tragic consequences to get it all to stop.

Everyone has ups and downs, it's just about trying to get through the downs and enjoying the ups as much as you possibly can. One thing I'd definitely recommend to anyone who feels low about themselves is to start exercising, my GP told me to do it and I've definitely felt an improvement since I joined the gym. Gives your mind something else to focus on, helps you spend a lot of unused energy and you feel your confidence get better. Dwelling on the negatives will only make it worse and worse, don't let it beat you.
I've had problems with mental health in the past 18 months or so, wouldn't wish it upon my worst enemy.

My problem was that I lost touch with my social circle so I slowly started to feel more and more fed up with myself and lost a sense of direction in life. You beat yourself up, you tell yourself it won't ever get better and that you're not good enough to be anymore than how you currently feel you are. It's a horrible state of mind, you have to go to bed with it and it's there waiting for you the minute you wake up. It can drive a person around the bend so much emotionally that sadly, like in the case of Gary Speed, they end up taking action with tragic consequences to get it all to stop.

Everyone has ups and downs, it's just about trying to get through the downs and enjoying the ups as much as you possibly can. One thing I'd definitely recommend to anyone who feels low about themselves is to start exercising, my GP told me to do it and I've definitely felt an improvement since I joined the gym. Gives your mind something else to focus on, helps you spend a lot of unused energy and you feel your confidence get better. Dwelling on the negatives will only make it worse and worse, don't let it beat you.

I have suffered similarly in the past and like you say, I wouldn't wish it upon anybody. Similarly it revolved around my social circle, and I chose to find other things to immerse myself in - I decided to go to university rather than remain in my job - and I do not feel at all the same way now. Fortunately, I feel a hell of a lot better and I would re-iterate this sort of advice to any GOT'ers or anybody else feeling like this. Doing well at university upped my mood a lot and certainly helped me to make more friends and to get involved in other things. I have more friends to go and watch Everton with now, and more who share similar interests to me. Whilst I am a little saddened that a lot of them are leaving for the summer it is nothing by comparison to how I felt a couple of years back.

Now I look forward to this summer and to coming back next year, and it's ace!

Obviously we won't/can't all choose to go to university, but finding an interest of a hobby and putting time into it really helped. I love my degree course, it's something that I am interested in.
hard to find a new hobby. how does one do that? I am in a fitness programme but that doesn't help. the things that do help with my mood is family. but that is very strenuous at the moment. everton was my well being. looking forward to match days gave me something to look forward to. now hopefully the wc can sustain me. just need a team to support lol. brazil as usual I suppose. finally decided to finish work so will officially be unemployed within the next week or two. that is going to be a different frame of mind even tho I have been off work on the sick for a year now. wife is having a hard time which I understand but hate her taking it out on me all the time. I can't defend myself cos i'm not working. I could go on but rant over.

hard to find a new hobby. how does one do that? I am in a fitness programme but that doesn't help. the things that do help with my mood is family. but that is very strenuous at the moment. everton was my well being. looking forward to match days gave me something to look forward to. now hopefully the wc can sustain me. just need a team to support lol. brazil as usual I suppose. finally decided to finish work so will officially be unemployed within the next week or two. that is going to be a different frame of mind even tho I have been off work on the sick for a year now. wife is having a hard time which I understand but hate her taking it out on me all the time. I can't defend myself cos i'm not working. I could go on but rant over.

I write and that helps sometimes but a lot of the time there is too much to say, some days it does help though
For example, today is not helping and I realise i'm sort of rambling and posting to myself here but today feels like nothing can better and there isn't much point, tomorrow i probably won't feel like this or at least I hope not because I cant do it for much longer
For example, today is not helping and I realise i'm sort of rambling and posting to myself here but today feels like nothing can better and there isn't much point, tomorrow i probably won't feel like this or at least I hope not because I cant do it for much longer
that's what I use this thread for, to rant and vent and ramble on. seeing the words I talk to myself about in my head. you seem similar to me in thinking tomorrow will be better. that is a good thing hold onto that thought.
that's what I use this thread for, to rant and vent and ramble on. seeing the words I talk to myself about in my head. you seem similar to me in thinking tomorrow will be better. that is a good thing hold onto that thought.

i try, tomorrow (today) was better but now it seems meh again
Glad to see this thread is going strong and people are using it for what it was originally intended for and most importantly the entire got community has respected it and not sidetracked or spoilt what I believe to be the finest example of why GOT matters and what it stands for, Evertonians their for other Evertonians, regardless of if it's banter, debate, conversation or in this case something far more important.

Well in everyone but most of all the people brave enough to frequent this thread for help or to try to help others, sometimes just sharing your story may be helping someone without you ever realising or knowing about it

I second that, it is nice to have a place to come and say these things away from anyone that I actually know. I don't think I could ever fully commit to saying everything on here but it does help to have a place now to say certain things
Lots of people recommending exercise as a helpful response to depression/sadness/low mood etc. I can vouch for its positive impact. Got out of bed this morning having slept very badly....headache etc (and no alcohol involved at all). Felt really morose. Put on my running kit and ran for four miles....felt much better.

But I realise that it won't work for everyone. If you're in poor health or you care for other dependents or can't afford gym membership then it may not be an option to go running/cycling/swimming etc.

Other positive responses to feeling low or anxious or depressed include:

- writing. Keep a journal or a personal letter to yourself everyday that sets out how you feel and why. Doesn't matter if it's gash as it's for your eyes only. Seems that for some, the act of writing down their situation helps to get it out of their system. Or write on this site if it helps

- go on a course or read a new book about a subject you want to learn about. Lots of free/low cost stuff available from night school, local library etc.

- get a new hobby....something to engage your mind/hands/body. E.g. grow your own vegetables. Gardeners are apparently among the least depressed professions as you're outside a lot and get a tangible payoff from your labour when a few weeks after planting, you get to pick a lettuce or whatever and eat it.

- volunteering. Try visiting http://www.do-it.org.uk/ and look up volunteer opportunities in your area. Focussing on the needs of others helps people with depression by lessening the focus on your own sadness. And you feel better about yourself if somebody says 'thank you' for what you did.

- if money worries are the source of your feelings, I can recommend Christians Against Poverty who can help you for no charge.

Horse for courses.
I have just this morning been prescribed 50mg Sertraline for anxiety and panic attacks. I've finally gotten round to having a read of this thread and I see there's a few who are either on or have been on these tablets themselves.

How did you guys find them?
Did you suffer any side effects?
How were you with a few pints at the weekend?
I have just this morning been prescribed 50mg Sertraline for anxiety and panic attacks. I've finally gotten round to having a read of this thread and I see there's a few who are either on or have been on these tablets themselves.

How did you guys find them?
Did you suffer any side effects?
How were you with a few pints at the weekend?

They're alright mate. Easy on the drinking though, have a few pints but don't get pissed on them is my advice.
