Civil war at Everton

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I actually think this is worse ☹️!
Nah Johnson had no money and was a kopite. Moshiri is just clueless, and at least is getting the new stadium built, which is vital to the potential medium and long term success of the club, and makes us a more attractive investment. The old stadium put a lot of potential investors off.
Mosheri had s consortium of prepared buyers - I bet he regrets not letting go now .....

All we know is they had exclusivity to look at the books Joey, they might have gone cold after viewing them or offered a silly amount that we could get even if we were in the championship.

….the club turning on its fans is symptomatic of how badly it’s being run. Somebody is trying to be clever, somebody thinks this a good idea when in reality it just got a whole lot worst.

Idiots with no values & decency running the show, the classy Directors we’ve had in the past will be turning in their graves.

i honestly don’t know how this situation will turn around.
….the club turning on its fans is symptomatic of how badly it’s being run. Somebody is trying to be clever, somebody thinks this a good idea when in reality it just got a whole lot worst.

Idiots with no values & decency running the show, the classy Directors we’ve had in the past will be turning in their graves.

i honestly don’t know how this situation will turn around.

24 hours before that game it was leading stories on local and national radio stations.

Those within the club fed the media. Thats spin doctor stuff.
Not good times.
Nah Johnson had no money and was a kopite. Moshiri is just clueless, and at least is getting the new stadium built, which is vital to the potential medium and long term success of the club, and makes us a more attractive investment. The old stadium put a lot of potential investors off.
We won an FA Cup under that Kopite. Otherwise our last trophy would have been in 1987

Nah Johnson had no money and was a kopite. Moshiri is just clueless, and at least is getting the new stadium built, which is vital to the potential medium and long term success of the club, and makes us a more attractive investment. The old stadium put a lot of potential investors off.
The medium to long term success of the club will be dictated by the short term i.e the next five months, and this club staying in the Premier League!
Currently the lunatics are running the asylum, the lunatics are also turning on the fans, and in some cases the fans are turning on a team which let’s face it is just about in free fall! Who knows when and if it will be turned around and where it will all end up?
The only way back is complete disclosure and transp

Johnson was the worst by a mile for me though. Selling players without the managers knowledge was a particular low.
Yeah it was pretty awful in fairness. But we knew where we were financially (broke). It's the lies and spin of this regime with gross mismanagement and the free fall into the Championship which marks this regime as worse IMO.

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