Civil war at Everton

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A takeover would be better ... but the point behind my thinking is that nobody would want us at this stage - so we have to work with realistic solutions
I'm sure there would be a few interested parties whether they would pay what moshiri wants is another question
Now the board have pretty much declared war on the fans by briefing against the fans to the already hostile press the situation is now unprecedented.

Where do we honed go from here (apart from the championship) to try and reunite the club.

For me we need a complete clear out at board level and a root and branch review of all football matters including the youth teams.

That includes new coaches and manager the whole thing needs a reset.

we need to merge all these threads together

i’m numb i really am now

Paid for by lottery funding.

I miss the old scoreboard.

I loved this one with the matchstick man kicking the ball



We've done that review of football matters, we had a load of people go and a load of people come in, we haven't got room to spend due to the regs so it's a slow process. You don't go from nearly being relegated, losing your best player so we don't get sued by the clubs that did go down to being great the following one. Is Thelwell the right person for the job? Don't know. But if we fire a DoF who's had one hand tied behind his back after just a year we aren't going to get far.

The board should go but don't think for one second that their removal will suddenly propel us up the league.
Mosheri had s consortium of prepared buyers - I bet he regrets not letting go now .....
If we alienate Moshiri and he leaves we are stuffed even more. Nobody, NOBODY is going to bother buying into or investing into a club with a rapidly angry fanbase - and whether the talk of threats are true or not, rightly or wrongly, that is the image we now have.

I'm not happy with where we are, or the mistakes made at the top but I'm resigned to the fact that Moshiri is the only realistic way out of this pit of misery. Its his money and he's not exactly going to be happy with us being crap and losing value either.

There have been a lot of mistakes by Everton in recent years, but I genuinely think alienating the board or moshiri or any new money will be nothing other than a mistake as big as any that has already been made.

I think if he was offered somewhere near his investment, he’d sell pdq.
The real question is though … How much of his money has gone in and how much was really Usmanov’s ?
If the latter has a sizeable slice, it won’t surprise me if a “buyer” pops out of the woodwork .. poof, like that

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