Carlo Ancelotti

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I think Carlo & Dunc could play good cop bad cop. Carlo's brains gets the team organised & working as one, Big Dunc runs around in his shirt & screams at them & the fans to make sure it sticks. We score, obligatory ball boy hug & rampage from Dunc & a wry smile from Carlo. Win win.

Good cop bad cop there would surely be Ancelotti encouraging them and Ferguson tasering Schneiderlin as he exits his car at FF.
Can I be the voice of doom?

I have huge reservations about this move.

Yes, a legendary manager with a great reputation.

But has he still got the fire? Or is it just another massive payday and if it doesn't work then hey, still collect the £40m?

I hate signing people on the way down, players or managers.

Who will he bring on his coaching staff? His son? Well, that doesn't strike me as someone who has kept up to date with the most promising young coaches in Europe.

Evertonians want passion, they want it to matter. Koeman style half-arsed stuff boils my blood.

I hope he turns up and works every second of every day for success and delivers it, but I wouldn't touch a deal like this with a barge pole.
You've never asked for permission to be the voice of doom before.
No manager is great for Everton until he has done great things with Everton.

Reputations help bring in better players, but not guaranteed success.

Can I be the voice of doom?

I have huge reservations about this move.

Yes, a legendary manager with a great reputation.

But has he still got the fire? Or is it just another massive payday and if it doesn't work then hey, still collect the £40m?

I hate signing people on the way down, players or managers.

Who will he bring on his coaching staff? His son? Well, that doesn't strike me as someone who has kept up to date with the most promising young coaches in Europe.

Evertonians want passion, they want it to matter. Koeman style half-arsed stuff boils my blood.

I hope he turns up and works every second of every day for success and delivers it, but I wouldn't touch a deal like this with a barge pole.

No one’s arsed.
Can see it being announced after the game.
That after careful thought he has declined the opportunity to begin the journey to reinstate this sleeping giant to its rightful place at the top table of English football.
He added that the manner of the 1-5 humbling at home to a team playing it's first game under a new manager highlighted the enormity of the task, one that needs to be undertaken by a younger and hungrier candidate.

He’s got a lot to do, Carlo.

I just hope that the young players improve under him and if they don’t we sell them, and get players in that are actually good enough for where we want to be. We can’t afford to keep waiting for them to come good.
hes one of the few managers that will make the whole squad sit up and take note.

im going to suggest about a 5-10% increase in desire and work rate right from the off … this will increase with each week until carlo has them all at optimum level.

His record of winning points to the fact that he has all his teams simmering at optimum level for each season. to maintain that winning mentality and seeing it through distinguishes the great coaches from the good ones.

we have a great coach on our hands for once
Can I be the voice of doom?

I have huge reservations about this move.

Yes, a legendary manager with a great reputation.

But has he still got the fire? Or is it just another massive payday and if it doesn't work then hey, still collect the £40m?

I hate signing people on the way down, players or managers.

Who will he bring on his coaching staff? His son? Well, that doesn't strike me as someone who has kept up to date with the most promising young coaches in Europe.

Evertonians want passion, they want it to matter. Koeman style half-arsed stuff boils my blood.

I hope he turns up and works every second of every day for success and delivers it, but I wouldn't touch a deal like this with a barge pole.

I dont care about any of that tbh. All i care about is that the legendary Carlo Ancelotti is (almost) the manager of Everton and that alone is the most exciting thing that has happened to us since Howard Kendall. ;)
That after careful thought he has declined the opportunity to begin the journey to reinstate this sleeping giant to its rightful place at the top table of English football.
He added that the manner of the 1-5 humbling at home to a team playing it's first game under a new manager highlighted the enormity of the task, one that needs to be undertaken by a younger and hungrier candidate.
Absolutely agree with this.

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