2018/19 Muhamed Besic

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Marco will use his mystical powers to turn Besic back into the player who gave Messi a beasting...

... maybe

I think its now fair to conclude that beasting 'World Cup' Messi is an entirely different prospect to beasting 'Barca' Messi
schnieds 120k p/w and doesnt want to be here.
besic 25k p/w?

theres a player in him. id use him on the bench to cover gana until mccarthy comes back
When playing, Schneids is ten times the player.

Hewn from granite, tattooed like a Russian mafioso...Mo Besic is a stereotypical hard-man. Our most valuable player? I'm not sure;... but @MarcelsGoat is his biggest fan...and I trust @MarcelsGoat judgement in these matters.
Sell 37 of the 38 man squad Everton presently enjoys...but Mo must stay!

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