Anichebe: a decent player

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he missed a peach, he strengthed it round and put it out for a throw in, when inside the 18 yard box.


that said he was part of our best move that almost saw mcfadden in.

thats no redemption btw.

get fit, get wise, get sorted sharpish.

everton cant wait half or a full season for the goal scorer to get set. wake the [Poor language removed] up you lazy [Poor language removed].
he missed a peach, he strengthed it round and put it out for a throw in, when inside the 18 yard box.


that said he was part of our best move that almost saw mcfadden in.

thats no redemption btw.

get fit, get wise, get sorted sharpish.

everton cant wait half or a full season for the goal scorer to get set. wake the [Poor language removed] up you lazy [Poor language removed].

:) :lol:;)
No one is saying that Yakubu is setting the world alight.

The good news is that Moyes has options. When all we had was Beattie and (fill in blank here _________________), we were pretty restricted on lineups and/or formations.

Now, we have:


Nice to choose from and we don't have to worry as much about form as we used to.
How anyone can defend Yakubu after tonight is beyond me.

Im not saying kick him out but he needs a rocket up his arse when he's outstaged by the teenager taking his place.

Hopefully he will come good but Anichebe must start ahead of him next game.

Join us next week for my crusade against Jagielka.

How anyone can defend Yakubu after tonight is beyond me.

Im not saying kick him out but he needs a rocket up his arse when he's outstaged by the teenager taking his place.

Hopefully he will come good but Anichebe must start ahead of him next game.

Join us next week for my crusade against Jagielka.

I really haven't seen anyone defend Yakubu. Bruce brought up the system he's in (and the service he's been getting) and I agreed with him.

But he's not performing as anyone expected.

Where I take issue is that "Vic is the next great thing" posts.

He had a good game. Great.

But again, I'll reiterate that where Vic is concerned, he is far far from the finished article.
hes 19, hes got 12 years to be the finished article, yakubu is 24 (more like 29) and should know who to turn defenders, he should deal with whatever delivery there is, and capitalise on the times when he does get the ball played to his feet...and guess what...he doesnt...
Vic turned the tables and played the metalists at their own game - bullied them and pushed them off the ball, while Yak seemed to let himself be pushed around. Vic also impressed me with the way he took the goal.

He looks great as a sub especially in these last two euro matches but looked awful last time he started a match. Maybe the metalist style suited him - but he deserves another start and Yak on balance defo deserves to be dropped
that senegalese guy with 'papa' on his back had a very easy time against yakubu.

funny old world.

how did woodgate get on again?

regardless of age , potential , experience , past triumphs , past mistakes and price tag , i just think the best performers should be given a starting place.

as i said earlier anichebe and mcfadden imo have earnt there starting place.

then aj , then yakubu.

if aj and yak want to play , they will have to perform a lot better.

if jimmy mac and anichebe want to stay in the starting team , they will have to keep up there performances.

thats the way a team should be run.

if aj and yak are given a starting line up place , i think it would be totally unfair on the 2 young lads and doesnt encourage the players to be at there best all the time.
This Yakubu bashing is really getting my goat I have to say. He hasn't played well but jeez, give the guy a break.

There's an expression in rugby 'playing behind a beaten pack', which basically means that unless the forwards are laying a decent platform the backs will never be able to do anything good. So if your big guys are getting bashed about it doesn't matter if you're Jonny Wilkinson or Jonny Vegas you won't be able to do a great deal.

This season we have, by and large, been utter gash. That we occupy such a lofty position is equal parts miracle and indictment of the quality around us. Now kudos to the guys for scrapping away and eking points out that we really havn't deserved. That's the sign of a good team and is a real positive for the season ahead. But our midfield has stunk to high heaven. They're the equivalent of forwards in rugby, they create the platform for the strikers to do something. It's no coincidence that our top scorer is a defender. We're creating very little for the strikers and relying overly on set-pieces for goals.

In the centre of midfield we've looked all at sea. Neville hasn't looked in form at all, Jagielka has had an awful start (maybe he's out of position as well but notice how he's being given time and grace by the fans), Carsley hasn't been a regular. We all know how we suffered with Arteta absent, and when he has played he hasn't maintained the standards he showed at Spurs on a consistent basis. Pienaar has shown potential, as did Osman in the first few games but none have really bossed a game yet.

Now I don't want this to be construed as a negative post because I am largely optimistic about our chances this season. We are playing awfully at the moment, yet we are still 5th in the table and present in both cup competitions. We have 5 new signings this season (not including Wessels), all of whom might realistically expect to be straight into the first team. They will take time to gel and understand how Moyes wants the team to play. It can't really get much worse performance wise and I fully expect us to improve, especially with some key players returning from injury.

All I ask is that people get off Yakubu's back. Football is littered with players that take time to settle (Drogba anyone?), or are played in systems that don't showcase their abilities (Henry/Juventus, Forlan/Man Utd). The football we are playing at the moment doesn't suit Yakubu, it really is as simple as that. If we are going to play this way then Anichebe is much the better option because physically he is a real handful and can make things out of long hopeful hoofs up to him.
simon davies, a player that was pretty much instantly disliked. he just didnt cut the mustard so his fate was sealed. but at least he tried, at least he had the decency to run around instead of hands on hips walking about making no discernable effort.

me personally, im not on yakubus back, i keep pointing to the fitness being the issue and games will help him sharpen up (hopefully) at the moment he just seems so lethargic, he missed that easy header vs boro, he strengthed his way into a fine position last night and wellied it out for a throw in, a throw in for gods sake. i will try to see the positives in any player in blue, but i need more than a few crumbs of effort from a player so as to ascertain some sort of picture.

i say again, i hope its fitness because if it isnt then what else can the monumental lack of effort and running be down too?
I think Moyes' plans for the Yakubu went out the window with Lucho, Appiah, Riquelme and Fernandes. He was obviously trying to build a midfield capable of tearing through the oppositions back four a Midfield that Yakubu would thrive on in my opinion. Yes, Yakubu has been [Poor language removed] there's no hiding that fact. I think if Moyes had pulled of a coup of one of the 4 aforementioned players we'd be seeing a different Yakubu I'd put money on it.

However, the transfer window didn't pan out that way for us and the creative engine room that Moyes was after just didn't happen. So now we're stuck with a striker who cannot play in our system who Moyes probably feels he's duty bound to play due to the fact he's our record signing.

The Yak will come good I'm sure of it. When we have our injuries sorted out and can play Cahill off the strikers and Gravesen in the engine room I'm willing to wager that Yakubu will come good with the extra support.

Keep the faith. He's wearing blue lets not **** him off straight away lads.
Exactly. AJ hasn't scored in god knows how long either. The way we're playing at the moment simply isn't making it easy for our strikers to do anything.

It seems a strangely English trait that a player is let off being rubbish providing he runs around like a headless chicken. That's probably why Metalist enjoyed over 60% of posession last night.

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