Roberto Martinez Discussion - Including Live Poll (Poll Reset 1st May)

Martinez in or out?

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  • Out

  • Getting splinters eating cheese on toast on the fence

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Fans should gather up at FF and protest
I'm wandering whether at board level they realize just how much discontent there is....probably thinking "there's a few mindless thugs who want him out. the rest are happy because they travel in their thousands, we have rom up front and we are off to Wembley! and we are the second team in Liverpool after all, what do those fans expect...and bobbys a lovely bloke.''

I think the protests were too late.
I'm wandering whether at board level they realize just how much discontent there is....probably thinking "there's a few mindless thugs who want him out. the rest are happy because they travel in their thousands, we have rom up front and we are off to Wembley! and we are the second team in Liverpool after all, what do those fans expect...and bobbys a lovely bloke.''

I think the protests were too late.
They wont if fans just keep twittering
Not sacked yet,I was really hoping to find some good news this morning,our board are fecking absolutely useless,it's time the fans put pressure on these idiots at the top too.

Think you will be disappointed. I would sack him at 3 am in the morning.

There was a copresenter on the radio merseyside phone in last night calling everton fans bitter. Cant remember his name I think he managed Tranmere

That's why I don't talk to non - Evertonians, by and large they're uninformed and feckin' clueless. You're on a hiding to nothing mate. There is absolutely nothing they can add to the debate. In a word, they're irrelevant.

We need to get our [Poor language removed] together in house, period. Outsiders, won't offer anything, like the joker who came on tonight, with his picture of his cute kid an all. Feck off...If I went on a Liverpool forum after one of their numerous catastrophes, I'd expect the same response.

No, this has to be sorted out in house. That means, getting shut of Martinez and Kenwright and rebuilding again. Hopefully Moshiri is the man, and I trust the Esk that changes will be made. In between time, it's gonna be a train wreck. Just like the last twenty years, it's just now we're going to witness the impact.
Well this doesn't sound good does it? A paragraph from an echo article:

"The speculation is that Roberto Martinez's position is safe regardless of what happens at Wembley, but that is without the sort of wholesale supporter revolt which defeat at the national stadium could trigger."
Well somewhere important then
think everybody is deflated now finnfan ,never met some many people dreading going to the semi,my lad told me to take his ticket and go,that was before last night, told him that stranger had happened and go and enjoy it, sad really but everybody is sort of just waiting for it to be over with.
after the semi if we get beat it will go toxic, he will not know what has hit him at goodison.
hopefully for the sake of the fans we will win it.
I wasn't surprised one bit about last nights result or performance. He should go, and go now. If it was up to me I would have sacked him before Christmas, allowed us to get someone new in with new ideas.

This would have shown the players that we have some ambition and built their confidence back up because at the minute it's quite clear the players have none, none in this manager and in themselves. Who would want to stay here now?

The first question to the manager from local media should be not about the performance but about his position, the second should be directed up stairs to Bill and Elstone and asking if they are going with Roberto as well.

But we all know this won't be the case, especially not from the local media, Echo and radio Merseyside ect.

Don't want to give up that free ticket, match day pie and pint of chang.

The local media also have some responsibility with the demise of this great club. They are just not interested in Everton and will never ask difficult questions.
If Liverpool fc were in our position last nights match would be front page of the echo demanding the manager be sacked and how it's a disgrace. The campaign would be in over drive.

You may remember the front page media campaign they had with Hicks and Gillete and the words "get them out".

Well those two invested more in a season and a half into Lfc then Kenwright has in 16 years. But of course nothing will be said, no front page media campaign for us.

If Liverpool hadn't won a trophy for over 20 years can you imagine the local media, they would be pushing for a public inquiry as to why this is. Nothing for us though, as now it's just accepted. This is how far the ambition of this club has been lowered.

The likes of the Liverpool Echo have betrayed this great club and its loyal supporters for years.

The only way we get change now is through the fans being vocal.

I just hope the manager is gone and gone soon as this club desperately needs a lift.

Mate you are so right. We are reduced to being a bit of local colour patted on the head if we win a game and largely ignored. We have to turn up for work now and put up wwith the sneering condescending RS telling us how it was no big deal and they have bigger fish to fry.....which of course they have becuawe we are just a little sardine now.

He won't go before the semi-finals but the board need to know we want him out before the semis...otherwise if we leave it until after they will just think we are narked off because we've lost in the cup.

We aren't happy, haven't been happy for a long time...this isn't just a quickfire reaction to being humiliated to a bang average Liverpool team. Despite what the result is Saturday we want him out now.

The players don't look arsed, we turn up but to be honest can't be arsed because we have been drained by it all.

This isn't Everton, 'nothing but the best is good enough but if we aren't good enough we at least show some pride and fight.'

The board got lucky with moyes, we needed a change but they didn't have to sack's not worked out so make a change.
the RS club dont care about us, they dont rate us
If they even thought about it would want to keep Martinez in post
i had this yesterday told i wasn't supporting the club by wanting him gone, by the way i haven't know the fella go a game in the last decade, i said well if that's the case you wernt supporting them when Rodgers was on the way out,yes but we are different he said,you lot dont expect to be in the top four do you, well yes i do really and lets not get above are selfs here mate you are currently about 7th,they think we are beneath them on so many levels, and at the moment we sadly are.

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